Underwhelming changes for MW honor talents

I know the changes is widely well received by the community. Addition of peaceweaver and being able to port whiled stunned will certainly help greatly.

My experience as a Mistweaver

Outside of dying in stuns, Mistweaver has always been very susceptible to kicks and CC’s. This issue has always persisted since I’ve played MW in arena setting. During BFA we had pre nerf WOTC when we get kicked, 55 second Cocoon and additions of Vitality conduit which greatly boosted Mistweaver ability to recover.

All of the mentioned above has been removed in Shadowlands which leaves Mistweaver in the dumpster as a healer with average output, no damage, susceptible to kicks CC’s, the worst mana pool of all healers and Mistweaver wall was nerfed by 100%. Granted we did get a mana buff after Mistweaver reputation was completely ruined and getting a survivability buff in 9.1 in the form of Honor talents.

As it currently stands Mistweaver has only life cocoon as a recovery and cooldown trade all baked into 1 button with 1.2 min CD with a talent. Let me give a few examples for comparison

Holy priest

holy word serenity removed and guardian angel unusable in stun = Mistweaver

Holy Paladin

divine favor removed, divine toll removed = mistweaver

Resto druid

Nature’s swiftness removed, hard casted hots = Mistweaver

Resto shaman

Resto shaman also have the same issue of recovering in my opinion, I think there is more than enough evidence of this happening in AWC. Resto shaman is a better version of MW

Disc priest

Only having 1 school of spell, remove ultimate radiance = mistweaver

TLDR Mistweaver needs another recovering button or burst healing to be able effectively deal with the fast pace meta which is not all addressed in 9.1. If anything MW output is nerfed further going into 9.1. Let’s not forget the meme strength of Life Cocoon, as it stands its marginally stronger than triune ward but triple the CD.

Also having all our new powers tied into Honor talents which is already competitive before 9.1 means we’ll never be complete. The same reason MW is underpowered now will also be the same reason MW will be underpowered in 9.1. I feel MW requires 4 honor talent slots if all our powers are baked into honor talents.

For example if short cocoon and eminence are the must play, that leaves us to choose between peaceweaver, aura mastery, disarm, counteract magic, healing spheres, dematerialize

Thanks for reading