Undermine(d) Professions Changes

The optimal playstyle shouldn’t be to reset to invest points into a specific craft and then resourcefulness to max rank that one, and then swap back to material specific points + multicraft to max rank materials. No, any more than 1 reset would be ridiculous.


I was holding-out for the ability to do an occasional (time-gated) talent reset, both on my main’s professions and those of alts.

When I found out that you have what appears to be one reset per profession per expansion… ever… nope! No thanks to giving me an option to permanently mar my characters’ professions by doing one-time reset that can never be done again.

Professions are dead to me.

Whatever fun they once were to have these legacy professions going back to Vanilla (in the case of my main), and the ability to make a low-effort and fun little mini-game out of leveling them and keeping them current every expansion, that simply no longer is the case.

The system has become a punishing, grindy, high-effort/low-reward mess.

I recognize that they tried to revitalize the profession system, and it certainly is salvageable with changes to make it more fun. Here’s what I would prefer:

1.) First, none of this one-time-in-forever respec business. They don’t want us respeccing professions every week? Fine. Time-gate it. Once or twice per season, then no more time-gate once the expansion is over. That would allow us to actually play with the professions and have fun figuring-out interesting specializations.

2.) Each crafting profession needs some love in terms of fun items to create. Gear is of no use to me except for tmog. All the gear I need and want comes from my endgame pillars of choice (delves, dungeons, and raiding). Instead, let’s be able to craft some really cool tmog items, mounts, and toys!

3.) Alts need to be able to catch-up, period. I don’t mean even in the current expansion, I mean several expansions down the road. One of the great relaxing pastimes for me is leveling-up alt professions for the Master of All achievements, or just for RP fun, because some professions just work with certain character concepts.

So, these are my suggestions.

Until these changes are made, professions will remain a low-to-no-effort endeavor for me. Dead for all intents and purposes. They’re simply not worth it. I hope that at some point, Blizzard sees how many people have been turned-off to professions (particularly crafting, and alt professions), and will address this retroactively for both DF and TWW professions.


it really was stupid however a replacement would’ve been nice. now my enchanting prof specifically for this seems kinda pointless