Some off the cuff ratings. Will need to see spell effects on many sets to form my full opinon.
Death Knight. Good detail, I like the colourations. Feels like there’s a colour that matches every Death Knight thematic. A tier set if the animations are good.
Demon Hunter. Cool thematic, kinda makes them look like Legion Mech versions of Wardens. Would be cooler if it didn’t look like plate. B tier.
Druid. Good theme (I like when they lean into the decay/drust aspect for Druids). Good execution. Good colouration. Not an outstanding set, but definitely above average IMO. B+, low A tier if animations are good.
Evoker. Looks ok in human form but bad in Evoker form. D tier. Blizzard need to focus WAY more on the belt/shoulders for Evoker tier since you can’t see anything else when you’re actually fighting. Having a cool helm or chest is largely pointless.
Hunter. It’s a Hunter set, that’s for sure. Has the same thematic but worse execution than the Sylvanas set we got from the trading post. C tier.
Mage. I REALLY like this set but only the blue/brown and the blue variation. If it has good spell effects, easy A tier, S tier if spell effects are cool.
Monk. S tier. No notes, best set Monks have ever gotten.
Paladin. It’s a Paladin set I guess. Average, but not in a negative connotation. B tier if it has cool spell effects.
Priest. I think it’s mandated that Priests MUST have a hat that looks absolutely godawful on at least 70% of their sets. C tier set without the hat. D with it.
Rogue. Not as good as the Monk tier, but pretty damn close. S tier.
Shaman. Kinda reminds me of Shaman T6 but worse. Blizzard really don’t have any sauce when it comes to mail sets. C-
Warlock. Depends entirely on the spell effects on shoulders/helm. If they’re good, S tier. A tier if they’re mediocre. Shoulders go insanely hard though. They’re like the polar opposite of the Priest helm in how much they carry the set.
Warrior. It’s a Warrior set. Clean, but not incredibly interesting. B, B+ with cool spell effects.