Undermine tier sets look…interesting

I tried my best to keep in mind how many hours were put into designing each one. Are there any that you guys really liked?

My first impression were that they looked terrible, and I felt really disappointed.

I like how different the rogue set is, and the Shaman set looks sleek w/ a great variety of color palates. I like Warlock’s shoulder and helm, but the rest of it is hard to look at.

I’m a little heartbroken about the priest tier set. Looked as though the designer(s) couldn’t decide between Grace and Punishment.

Wish the sets looked a lil more Undermine(ish). For a goblin themed raid, rough mechanical and avarice themed sets would’ve been perfect, and we could use more mechanical Xmog in the game.


We are getting mechanical sets from the zone content, like rep rewards and such. I liked about 80% of the sets, but I think Blizzard is going to burn the leg drape out with putting it on every set they can.


Probably the only worth while Set is your choice of colour for a Drust-theme for Druids.
Too bad KT are terrible models with incomplete animations and nobody plays them in any semi-serious capacity.


I actually really liked the Rogue set, a little out there with the design of the mask, but still cool.


i liked a lot of them. particularly the mythic ones i think they were. some not so much but i probably won’t get any of them except the lowest pve one since i never do anything of value or difficulty in WoW or life.

Still feeling conflicted on the warrior set. It’s an Ethereal theme even though we just had an Ethereal theme for rogues currently so why couldn’t it have been Goblin themed for the new raid? :robot::rightwards_hand: :coin: :coin:

Here’s a closer look at the warrior set. :mag::robot:

edit: I’m not too disappointed as I see the icons for several goblin armors so they’ll get their fill. :telescope::robot:

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Missed opportunity to see a goblin spin on every class armor. I’m going to be in this kitchy neon meme-town casino for months, at least give me a cocktail dress or something funny.


DK and Rogue are ok the rest are sets I’ll never use.

Some off the cuff ratings. Will need to see spell effects on many sets to form my full opinon.

Death Knight. Good detail, I like the colourations. Feels like there’s a colour that matches every Death Knight thematic. A tier set if the animations are good.

Demon Hunter. Cool thematic, kinda makes them look like Legion Mech versions of Wardens. Would be cooler if it didn’t look like plate. B tier.

Druid. Good theme (I like when they lean into the decay/drust aspect for Druids). Good execution. Good colouration. Not an outstanding set, but definitely above average IMO. B+, low A tier if animations are good.

Evoker. Looks ok in human form but bad in Evoker form. D tier. Blizzard need to focus WAY more on the belt/shoulders for Evoker tier since you can’t see anything else when you’re actually fighting. Having a cool helm or chest is largely pointless.

Hunter. It’s a Hunter set, that’s for sure. Has the same thematic but worse execution than the Sylvanas set we got from the trading post. C tier.

Mage. I REALLY like this set but only the blue/brown and the blue variation. If it has good spell effects, easy A tier, S tier if spell effects are cool.

Monk. S tier. No notes, best set Monks have ever gotten.

Paladin. It’s a Paladin set I guess. Average, but not in a negative connotation. B tier if it has cool spell effects.

Priest. I think it’s mandated that Priests MUST have a hat that looks absolutely godawful on at least 70% of their sets. C tier set without the hat. D with it.

Rogue. Not as good as the Monk tier, but pretty damn close. S tier.

Shaman. Kinda reminds me of Shaman T6 but worse. Blizzard really don’t have any sauce when it comes to mail sets. C-

Warlock. Depends entirely on the spell effects on shoulders/helm. If they’re good, S tier. A tier if they’re mediocre. Shoulders go insanely hard though. They’re like the polar opposite of the Priest helm in how much they carry the set.

Warrior. It’s a Warrior set. Clean, but not incredibly interesting. B, B+ with cool spell effects.


Most of them look pretty bad.

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I like most of them.


picks up Mechagnome Explain

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Like I mentioned, we just had an ethereal theme in the last tier so i’m confused why would they use it again. :robot::thought_balloon:

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I’m confused on how the Warrior tier is Ethereal?

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Taking a closer look, you’ll notice bandages for arms and an exposed area under the bracers. :mag::robot:

…very similar to the rogue’s Ethereal theme. :mag::robot:


Ohhhhhhh! Good catch!


Even with all the links to all the armor i’m having a super hard time deciding which look cooler.

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That is one word for them.

DK isn’t terrible, not sure why DH is a Warden ripoff. Druid is a bone to Kul Tiran druids I guess, same with the Rogue set. The rest… meh.

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The monk and rogue sets look good. The others are pretty boring. The S1 sets were mostly bad though so this is an improvement.

Think it’s supposed to resemble a fel reaver. :wrench::robot: