Undead night elf priestess (possible spoilers)

Well hey now they csn use the priestess to reval their ultimate twist Elune is evil abd actuloy the big boss if the void do sylvanas is saving the night elves from her.


You and Puppys are trying to give me an aneurysm tonight aren’t you?


im not trying to
 im just sharing things i found in the SF discord


I knew that place was no good.


I am just inable to truly be 100% serious anymore even something this stupid they are going full idiot and that is the dumbest thing i can think of after all they seem dedicated to destroying everything night elf.


Generic post of yet more outrage.

At this point, I’m too old and tired to try and articulate my millionth unique one.


Come on Galenorn. Bust out your cane and rocking chair, dig deep and embrace your inner old man. You can do it! Those whippersnappers won’t get off your lawn themselves.


He needs to tell them to stop burning his lawn.


Or just get a whole new lawn, at this point.

In Eorzea

Incidentally, they already have. As well as the hometown of the High Priestess of the Night Elves.

Been there, done that, got the tabard.


Lies and slander. Its a place where you don’t have a word filter or overzealous janitors. Also other topics you can’t have on the forums.



So Sylvanas burned the tree so that she could recruit the Night Elves living there it seems

She is probably going to use her mass reanimation of the Night Elves of Teldrassil to claim she is not evil

So that is why the Shaman were influencing the flames. She got the Shaman to speed up the burning yet also keep the Night Elves from being burnt themselves which means they all died of suffocation and heat stroke.

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It was a joke, I’ve never actually been there. I don’t like chatting to strangers on voice comms.

we dont usually chat on voice coms, we typically just type

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Social vocalization is gross.


Alright fine. How do I get to the mythical land of story forum discord?

Oh hey, it’s a character I remember looking at with awe and getting help from against mobs when I was playing for the very first time, alongside the huntresses that patrolled with her. I’m definitely not angry.


you sound a little angry

Here Nelf fans. I’ll be hyperbolic and crazy for a post for you. And then maybe it will turn out that the response is reasonable and sane. My poor hyphen key.

In what half-baked-consistency-hating-hot-topic-shopping-tone-deaf-dumpster-fire of a game world is it O.K. to have a faction dedicated to free-willed-formerly-enslaved-sentient-undead, who have said free will as a fundamental building block of their society, REPEATEDLY raise undead and immediately have them not only turn on their former allies, but immediately swear loyalty to the person who murdered them in the first place?

Oh yeah, this one!

This has been called out since Andorhal in Cata, when a bunch of largely generic characters get killed Leeroying a Deathguard encampment with pitchforks and get turned into skeletons to be immediately flung at the Alliance.

People rightly said “Hey, doesn’t this undermine the concept of Forsaken free will?”, to which the cop out reply was given: “Undead are confused and easily influenced when they are first raised.”, which, alright, they messed up, and raised a bunch of undead to have them 180 their beliefs for the cool factor.

But no, this mastermind explanation is then used as a permanent get-out-of-lore-jail-have-your-cake-and-eat-it-too-look-at-my-bull-crap-melon-farmers card until the heat death of the universe. You don’t have a violation of free will of the person you raised chooses with little to no preamble to entirely abandon everything they believed, and not even having a Voss-esque crisis, no, but immediately 180 on their beliefs and attempt to murder their close acquaintances and swear allegiance to the Lich Queen with all the celerity of someone who just took a Frostmourne enema.

I could be alright with Andorhal. It was inconsistent, but it was desperate, the raised farmers were nameless skeletons and it was never brought up again. But no, no, we get to double, triple, and quadruple down on the crap-cabaret of named characters of a playable faction getting offed by the other faction, raised from undeath, immediately turning on their former faction, and swearing loyalty to their killers.

But it’s totes free will, fam. For realsies.

And it just keeps getting pushed. Right into Night Elves, which get treated by Blizzard the way Matt Ward treats the Sisters of Battle (and unsarcastic props if you are nerdy enough to understand THAT particular fail-festival.) Night Elves, who don’t even have that many named, relevant characters to begin with, start losing them because Blizz needs more undead elves. I don’t even care about that nebulous cata-era Silverpine questing implying that non-humans don’t get raised- hell, that could just be bad Alliance intelligence. The problem is doing this repeatedly to Night Elves.

The Darkshore B.F. prequest feels like a Night Elf loss. It ends with an empowered Tyrande FAILING to stop a ritual to raise two named night elves, ONE of which even had a small bit of backstory before B.F.A., who then immediately try to kill Tyrande because potato. In exchange, Nathanos isn’t really threatened and we kill a Val’kyr that didn’t exist in a named state until said scenario.

And months later, we find out that THIS is what is supposed to pass for closure on Teldrassil. This is like if I run over your dog, then give you a fruit basket, but hey, I took the fruit I liked out of it first, and said “But we’re good now, yeah?”

No. No we are not.

And hey, if the model is what it looks like, seems like we’re just going to keep dunking on the same playable race for reasons inexplicable and baffling to even neutral parties, let alone night elf fans. And if they turn around and try to vindicate Sylvanas now, this, ALL of this, just gets “WE ARE FREE’D” and, for all practical purposes, coalesces in to one big hypocritical, murderous, nonsensical middle finger to a significant portion of the player base.

(going to abstain from editing- I was intentionally hyperbolic in writing this. 
to a certain extent.)


I know details aren’t their strong suit, but the ptr one has the last name Lunastar, while wowpedia has her last name as Nightwalker. :thinking:

It doesn’t change how awful the undead Night Elf story is. And I don’t dare hope they might actually be two different people. But still


Oof. That hurt. Because its true.