Unarmored Mounts Megathread 2.0

I’ve already added my opinions to these discussion.
You’ll have to scroll up if you are interested.
By the way, I’m not a “beggar”. :smirk_cat:

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Cool, so nothing of relevance to what I had to say, just personal attacks because you disagree with what I am saying.


Cool, you can believe what you wish, I’ve already stated my opinions in this subject. If you rather not read them it’s fine.
Calling us beggars is an attack, it’s inflammatory. But you already knew that.

Enjoy your day :wink:

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It’s not an attack if it’s true. Blizzard has given their position and people in this thread are begging and trying to make up their own logic to somehow “prove” blizzard wrong. They made their decision. Deal with it.


It’s not hard to look at Fesz legacy achievements and then mine and see we are not the same person but keep trying.


I’d suggest everyone to report him as this is just breaking the rules at this point. Thank you.


By the same token, my stating that I view your comment about beggars spiteful and petty is not an attack. For me this is truth.
I stated in an earlier post that I realise these mounts will most likely not be in Classic BUT I feel that I can continue to discuss the subject on a discussion forum.
Deal with it.


You can continue to discuss it all you like but try sticking to the actual discussion. You added nothing in your comment other than to personally attack me and try to turn the discussion away from the actual topic.

Piptak don’t reply to him. He is a troll that is begging for attention.

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You are the one trolling and derailing. This is how threads end up locked, justifiably so.

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Don’t forget to login through your 13 alts to like your own comments. We can’t be sure you are making a point otherwise.


It’s hilarious. Totally quiet forum besides us 3 and suddenly he has a fan club.
Anyhow, best to let him blather on alone. He just trying to get folks inflamed so the thread will get shut down.


The irony of this comment when you came into a discussion where I wasn’t even replying to you, and added nothing of merit to the topic, just a personal attack, and then try to pretend I am the one derailing.

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I thought I was Fesz? Now I am an alt army. Make up your mind with the conspiracy.

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Fesz is part of your characters. You didn’t notice he is part of the likes? He likes everything you post. Some special kind of love right there. By “he” I mean probably you, let’s be honest. And I am gonna stop replying any further than this to your low quality baits.

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I like most of hist posts because I agree with him. I am sure he does the same. If you have some evidence to support it, please show it. But oh you have none.

What’s more pathetic is it is EASY to disprove by checking our legacy/feats of strength account wide achievements



But please continue your personal brigade against anyone who disagrees with you, where you try to dismiss them as trolls and get them banned by frivolously reporting them.

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L M A O.

THAT IS NOT HOW THIS WORKS, BOY. You don’t get to see all the achievements through your alts. You are so bad at this it’s unbelievable.

Correct. Not all of the achievements. But the account wide ones will show for both. They do NOT match. Keep trying bub.


No, they do not. :slight_smile: Try harder, troll. You are a failure at trolling.

So you are telling me he unlocked ashes of alar on his level 30?

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