Unarmored Mounts Megathread 2.0

Look here U don’t argue at all u don’t counter argument or think further u just say OH WHATEVER LETS CHANGE IT ALL IF ONLY I CAN JUST HAVE THESE MOUNTS RAAAARG!

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I am against limited time rewards. I think they are the worst, and ruined retail. I am against any change that adds a limited time reward that isn’t just targeted to a small handful of players out of millions like AQ.

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REEEEEEEEE don’t respond to VAKUL hes a litterat piece of :put_litter_in_its_place: That can only talk :poop: and is in favour of tokens and manny other changes.

For the love of god leave him be, :heart:


Honestly i want blizz to come out and say were not putting work into classic other than porting our data form the 1.12 we found and thats it other than adding security features ect… and leave it at that. Its the patronizing reasoning and smug you think you do but you dont attitude that gets me.


I get that.


Agree. Blizzard needs to communicate more with the community. You never see them participate on the forums anymore unless it’s not a serious discussion.


Theres nothing to argue in my opinion its such a small insignificant thing that has such a simple solution what would i be saying that i haven’t already said put them in or not if your problem is them being in forever make them temporary of its that they are making an unchanging game leave them in not a big deal man. I dont even want the damn mounts lol i also dont have any reason to not want them or see what the big deal is to have them.

There are many limited time rewards that occur during seasonal events in vanilla … you can only attain certain items with enough time played to get them (the ram from brew fest etc). Are these things you dislike as well, since they effect playtime?

Also I responded to you on the transmog thread. I think since transmog was not a part of vanilla at any time, that is a less debatable position than something that was. Blues responding to that is less likely, in my humble opinion. Either way I agree that more responding would be very appreciated.

They generally don’t bother me if you can get the same rewards year after year. I just don’t like seeing items that are no longer available. If you can only get it once a year, I don’t care. I care if it’s only one and done.

It also doesn’t bother me as much if it’s like a silly one time day thing or if it’s like literally insane to get it (like AQ40). It’s when it’s just far enough away that I feel like Blizzard is trying to wave some carrot instead of letting me enjoy the game the way I want to enjoy it.

The problem is they told people yeah you can discuss things that could go into classic and decide what gets put in and all that, we want to see what you think. Then they come out and say well really, we know whats best and the things you guys wanted you dont really want, its for your own good. We know you guys really didnt want 1.x av it was too hard, here’s 1.12. Gtfo of here with that crap. Just man up and say we had bigger plans and then we effed up at blizzcon and the stock market sh!t on us now we dont have the money to do it you’re getting 1.12 sorry guys best we can do right now. That would be acceptable to me. I would understand that at least.


Now THIS I am in full agreement.

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I’m glad we could all come together as a community and at least agree that Blizzard stink right now.


Blizzard, if you are listening, please implement the unarmored Original epic mounts permanetely In classic.



“Classic doesn’t have to be authentic as long as I get what I want”.

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So you do want 1.12 av? Since it wouldn’t be authentic to have 1.5 av with 1.12 talents would it? I dont really care but at least ive been constistant. I want 1.7-1.8 av and dont mind what color the kodos or raptor mounts are.


Bump. Unarmored mounts or bust!


Translation: Fesz wants to argue so despite claiming to be the king of #NoChanges, wants it to not be as Vanilla as it could be, despite there being zero harm, and minimal effort to do so.


It doesn’t have to be a perfect rendition of 1.12 is what I would say. No one signed a petition for that. People assumed Blizz would handle it the way pservers did, with a 1.12 base but common sense about which features best represent vanilla, at least to the best of their ability. They’ve already gone back on the riding skill because it turned out it wasn’t in the spirit of vanilla.

If they said they were making TBC servers I wouldn’t expect them to roll out the pre-wrath patch.


The riding skill system they are using IS 1.12.

BOTH systems were used in 1.12.

The original.system, which is being used for Classic, was used 1.12.0.

The change was not made until 1.12.1.

Are you now saying that “cherry picking” parts of vanilla that were changed prior to 1.12 is OK?