Unarmored Epic Mounts in TBC

doesn’t add mounts based on belief that it will force people to level up fast and will tarnish their “classic” experience

a year and a half passes

implements boosts that allow people to skip first 58 levels of game

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No, they make enough money off their CE.
Don’t worry tho, they’ll put them in the next round when they do classic + for the new low price of only $29.99!


honestly if thats what it takes **** it… 35$ for the White Horse

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Slap a 2,500G price tag on the epic unarmored mounts.


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YES, literally anything, make it a gold sink… make it a microtransaction.


They could do that, but they’d have to implement tokens first.
Gotta grab those hot :money_with_wings::money_with_wings::money_with_wings: yo.

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they should implement the token… its the only way you’ll be able to get gear in TBC with all the runs being GDKP and the only way to actually make enough gold being by purchasing it from a 3rd party or investing more time into the game than into real life.

Yea, BC is still time consuming. A lot of people don’t realize how much so.

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reminder that these mounts should have been put in the game in classic and there was multiple threads requesting them because they were an authentic piece of the game, but some dev said in an interview with esfand that he didn’t want to feel pressured to level fast because he wanted to play the game slowly with his girlfriend. they don’t care about authenticity or what the players want.


Hey I think I recognize your name… I made my original thread in the wow classic beta forum in 2019 and my Characters name was Shimy… since blizzard did the level squish in retail my former level 19 twink from actual vanilla is now a level 9 and is unable to post on the forums… hence why I made the thread on this character.

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I wish my lvl 40 warlock mount could move at epic speed at 60, it looks better than the epic one.

Bump, beta mounts are Unarmored epic mounts (the mount you spawn with on alliance and horde on the BoJ beta server is an unarmored epic mount) indicating that not only are the assets present but they are already in the game client, the TBC client, even though they were technically never “added” to classic vanilla.

Is this a hint towards their implementation or someone at blizzard is just torturing us?

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Lmfao why though why is this the hill I have to die on again. Just give them to me!

just get it from the store
only 24.99 each

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You need a hobby.

Try going outside. It’ll do you some good.

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Only if I get my Flying Sparkle Pony.

I have lots of hobbies, I play bass / guitar, I play hockey, I love the outdoors in general.

I also appreciate art… specifically the unarmored epic mounts.

Sign me up daddy 24.99 for the white horse

grants one flying sparkle pony

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