Unanswered Lore Questions: A Comprehensive List

In WoD I would still really like to know what definitively happened to Admiral Taylor and his garrison.


Building on that I want to know who the Dark One that the necromancer guy served was.


The sword is no longer a threat. Throughout BfA we closed all the azerite wounds and healed the titan soul. That’s why we had the Heart necklace. It gathered azerite blood and channeled it back to her as a form of healing. After we beat N’Zoth Magni confirmed she was strong and healthy again and in no danger anymore.

The sword is harmless now. But we also can’t remove it, logistically that thing is enormous beyond any of our standards. And it’s also meant to be a lasting scar from the Legion’s war, something we have to live with for awhile.

His goal was to corrupt Azeroth to be his servant. When he realized he was about to be yanked away he opted to try to kill her as a last resort in the few seconds he had left.

No difference. Argus is a failed dead world anyways and beyond saving, but the titan had no influence on the wildlife. All the fel energy in the air did that. They’ll probably continue surviving as they are now.

They went out for a coffee and donuts run and took a wrong turn a few solar systems back. Lost to the wind.


That’s pretty spelled out in the journal you picik up during the quest line.


I agree it is, but it seems ambiguous at the same time; like mystery for the sake of it being mysterious. I feel like that could have been a huge story, maybe even a C plot to the expansion. I feel like I know what happened but I don’t at the same time. Why I put “definitively” happened.

Who is the Sky Father? Tauren worship him according to The Shattering: Prelude to Cataclysm. Nothing was mentioned about him in Folk and Fairy Tales.


For MoP part, that was resolved on the Warcrimes novel after MoP.

The shadowlands part does have an answer on ptr… although it does lean into more problems that people have with nipple man and his sudden inclusion in the story :neutral_face:

Was just reminded of a lore question that was never answered from way back in WotLK…

Why did Alexstrasza and Krasus apparently think Bolvar’s capture after the Wrathgate needed to be kept a secret from everyone?

It ended up feeling like the dragons who couldn’t be bothered to keep helping us against the Scourge after Dragonblight were just arbitrarily making things harder for everyone else.


Why must there always be a Lich King?

Because the Scourge without a leader to control them would run rampant and cause devastation. We were told this seconds before being told there needed to always be a Lich King.


They could’ve done that with a Lich King.

Gone rampant with a Lich King?
No, because the Lich King wouldn’t have allowed them to since they would have been controlled.
Unless you mean the Lich King is the one allowing them to go rampant, in which case yeah that’s just the nature of having a Lich King that can control Undead.

What was the Lich King’s goal? To overrun and conquer Azeroth, yes? So, why would the Scourge need to be held in check by the Lich King, if the Lich King himself wanted them to them to run rampant across Azeroth anyway?

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You’re referring to the original Lich Kings.
The point of continuing to have another after the fall of Arthas was to ensure the Scourge army that him and Ner’zhul had amassed stayed in check rather than being unleashed.

I think I get it now. I was confused about why the other Lich Kings didn’t let them run rampant, but I think I missed a major thing: they did, and Bolvar was supposed to stop it.

This might already be known, but in TBC the arakkoa were trying to summon an old god. We now know they aren’t really summoned but shot into space by the void gods. How were they summoning an old god? Where were they summoning it from? Would it be a named guy or an unknown?

  • Who is the arakkoa “master” that Isfar talks about? It is not Terokk…

  • There are more Old Gods than just the ones trapped on Azeroth. It takes a lot for them to become manifested on a physical plane, however; see the quest line in Shadowmoon Valley that ends with "N [25-30] Thwart the Dark Conclave" for more information.

I’m not sure what the issue is with them summoning an Old God.
Old Gods are created in the Void Plane and they are summoned/transported out of the Void plane by the Void Lords.

What the Arakkoa were doing was probably no different than a Warlock summoning a Demon from the Twisting Nether or a Voidwalker from the Void plane.

It did seem to look like C’thun so it was either C’thun who by then had been slain and returned to the Void plane, or it was an identical looking but differently named entity.


Mostly that if all it takes is a bunch of cultists praying and making sacrifices to do it, then why isn’t Azeroth overrun with them? With the four OGs dead, the Twilight’s Hammer have no one to worship. Why aren’t they just summoning one or ten? I know the conditions that allowed the Arakkoa to do it (Gul’dan’s fel magic mushed up with their’s) aren’t that normal, but with places like Argus, Felwood, so on and so forth, there shouldn’t be too many problems replicating it.

And this is the sole time we see anyone or hear of anyone summoning an old god. All the ones we’ve seen were shot into space and landed on their planet.

It’s just a weird thing, given what has later been developed around old gods (during TBC we only really knew they existed and Cthun was one).


It’s just one of those things we have to accept. I can think of a number of similar things.

For example, we know that it’s really not that hard to summon a planet/universe destroying Elemental (Murmur) so why haven’t the Twilight Hammer done it on Azeroth.

It’s most likely a case of “they don’t know the ritual and those that do have been wiped out and the instructions lost”.

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But Murmur was summoned accidentally. The Shadow Council weren’t trying to summon him, they wanted a big demon.

I can get situations were a big bad is summoned accidentally; hard to repeat an accident. But an intentional method is different.

And how would they even know what an old god is? They have no experience or knowledge of them; they aren’t native to draenor. They never would have even heard of one, unless the Naaru are just spreading that kind of gossip around. How would the arakkoa intentionally develop a ritual to summon a specific type of creature they never heard of?