Unable to submit support ticket

Need support with error code 51900328. Unable to submit a support ticket using the official web page, so I have to ask in here for support.

This problem started last night when I got disconnected from the game server, and has persisted until I started using a VPN about 30 minutes ago.

Cannot connect to classic or retail, both give error code 51900328.
Only can connect using a VPN, but that’s not for free. I already pay a sub for Wow, I should not have to pay for a VPN on top of that.

We agree it’s suboptimal. The error you mentioned is already under investigation here. Likely your ticket submission issues are also a part of this problem.

For now, the VPN is the only work around we have sadly. We’ll post more updates at the thread I just linked as we have them available.

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Thanks for the reply. One of those days eh?