Unable to generate holy power (ret)

Happened with my rogue the other day so u could eliminate it just being a pally thing atleast

It must be a combo point thing, then. Anyone with a monk notice this yet?

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Happened twice on my druid in Darkshore. Couldn’t generate combo points and couldn’t switch forms. Was last week

Lol, forgot about druid combo points. It seems to be a problem with our special resource.

Last night for about 30 minutes I couldn’t generate combo points on my monk. Tiger palm worked, but I wasn’t getting combo points… After logging on something else, then coming back, finally started working normally.

That’s how it was on my pally. I was able to use attacks, but there was a delay so long, I wasn’t getting HP until after the fight was over, which took even longer without the ability that makes up half of my damage. I relogged, and everything was fine.

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its happening to me right now same exact issue abilities are going on cd appear to be going off but not generating holy power please blizz help

i relogged and its still happening

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I would make a bug report, and mention there is a thread talking about all combo point classes having the same problem.

Try logging in something else then relog… it’s what I had to do.

I’ve experienced the same problem in the last 2 weeks

I’ve had a very similar problem, but it felt more like lag.

I’ve also noticed that I’ll be standing on something casting TV and the animation will go off and no damage will happen and the HP wont be spent. I’ve been able to mess with it enough that I can glitch the animation and make its happen like 4-5 times a second. It looks funny.

I had this issue while I shard over to different shards or play on “full” pop servers.

I’ve had this problem on my Paladin for about a month now, it really increases the length of the fight, yet as soon as I kill whatever I’m fighting, my HP pops back up

Hey guys just wanted to post an update after reading several threads and also getting a helpful GM.

Heya Rautha,

Thanks for bearing with us while we dug through this for you. My name’s (removed), and I wanted to follow up on this for you. You’re actually exactly right about this - sorry for the earlier confusion. While the problem can sometimes be exacerbated by addons or connection issues, the core problem causing this is overpopulation in certain zones.

Unfortunately there’s not a whole lot you can do about this other than trying a couple work arounds, but these can be hit and miss. The ones that sometimes work are:

  1. Dropping group if you’re in a party
  2. Logging out for 30 seconds, then logging back in
  3. Toggling to war mode (or vice versa if you’re already in war mode)

Beyond that, we’re working on getting a developer or community update on what’s going on with this. I’d keep an eye on the thread you mentioned for now, and appreciate you reaching out to us about this.

I sincerely hope that this experience with Blizzard Entertainment has been helpful and informative! May you continue to enjoy your stay in our world!

Please go to this thread in order to provide more information to the Devs and get this fixed sooner. The blues are following this thread and they need to catch a few players while the bug is still happening.

The same thing has been happening to me as well. I thought it was just my computer or connection being slow, but seeing this now I think there’s another reason, and yeah it’s been happening at least since 8.1 (when I started leveling my paladin.)

I have had this happen on my pally numerous times. And had the you’re mounted but see no mount and swimming in the air several times on my Death Knight.

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This bug seems to be able to affect any class with a tertiary resource like combo points, holy power or maelstrom. I’ve had it happen to me on my shaman and ret pally. Relogging always fixes it for me. :frowning_face:

This has happened many times with combo points on my Feral Druid. Even a logout/login sometimes did not fix it. The only thing that would fix it would be to enter an instance or something. I read somewhere that this is perhaps related to the world server but I have no further details.

yes it’s related to overcrowding in zones.

if it happens again please go to the thread i linked so blizzard can observe it while it happens.