Unable to do my rotation in PvP

I am unable to get my max DPS in PvP as I can’t complete my rotations. Other players are interrupting me. This bug needs to be fixed. I am able to kill bosses with 100 of millions of health. Why can’t I kill another player with few 100k health.




Have you tried jumping? Jumping can often confuse the enemy player, allowing a few extra hits in.


Working as intended. L2P issue.

Just play paladin or dh, easy and broken no rotation needed.

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learning how to turn with your mouse and not your keyboard will help out tremendously with your dps come pvp

I am moving with the mouse but enemy players are using their damaging abilities without warning. How do I address that? Many time they all appear suddenly from stealth. I should get advance warnings about what they are about to do.

Get ispy add on or weizpvp.

I have tried jumping but there are so many stuns and cc that I am unable to jump.

Yes… the guards WILL aggro and chain CC you if you attack them or anyone else in their vicinity.

The more you know!

Thanks for your time,


huh…so you do the jump and you graduated from keyboard turning into mouse turning…

and you are still low dps in pvp? Maybe you arent getting flasks. I heard those are important for pvp.

not sure what to tell you dude

Troll post is troll

Coming from a rogue who is technically now the most op class atm. Teleport sap, attack, teleport (which is basically a mage blink) when opponent gets away, vanish and run when losing.