Unable to access Dragon Flight free trial

I think it just takes a little while for the game to register you are doing the dragonflight trial. My first inactive account I didn’t get any related quests until I tried another server then the buff icon for dragonflight trial appeared and so when I went back to my 60 then the quest popped up.

I think a lot of people are just logging in and seeing nothing then logging out.

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there is no glitched in the collectors cache - you don’t get to loot it unless you actually buy dragonflight.

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Same issue. My friends said Dragonflight is decent so I wanted to try it but at this point, I’m just gonna uninstall it and play other games. I wasted hours trying to figure out how to play the expansion. Good job blizz.


I got as far as the dragonriding quest and found that you aren’t able to keybind your dragonriding mount in order to mount up. What a strange decision.

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My wife just told me that she was able to access it again and that it was in my account as well. Seems like maybe they fixed it

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you can bind the dragonriding mount, just drag its button from your mount journal to the bar or use the mount favorite built-in feature and it will choose a dragon if you are in the dragon isles.

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I tried dragging it from the mount journal to an open button on the bar and could not drop it there. That’s how I bind my mounts, and I can’t.

The message I briefly saw said the random favorite mount button is now intended for dragonriding mounts.

Between druid flight being removed and now mandatory button bloat, I’m like, why bother?

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Could be one of your addons? The drag and drop works great for everyone I know. The random favorite mount is just a bonus that they programmed in it picking an appropriate mount for where you are, but you aren’t forced to use it if you don’t want to.

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I don’t use any ui addons. I was finally able to get the keybind to take by going to Draenor, where it worked.

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Having this same issue. Can’t open the Trading Post cache. I’m currently still on the longest hiatus from wow since I started in BC. I quit mid Shadowlands when i realized it was just gonna be more of the same. Looks like I’ll stay gone.

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Reporting back. 15hours after this post I am now able to access the free trial/evoker class. Very odd since this trial started on the 9th and it took almost over a day to be able to actually play it…


Yayyy it looks like it’s finally working :)))

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its not working, my wife was able to make an evoker but now it says she has no active sub


I thought since maybe it’s Saturday now and officially the weekend free trial the Tradepost quest would start working. But… no. It’s still broken. Chest won’t open.

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This is still an issues… One of my boys accounts doesn’t let him try… we put in a support request this morning about 14 hours ago… no change…

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In my case, all I’m able to do is create a character. It marks it as inactive though, and requires subscription renewal to start a game.