Ultra Wide Monitor Issue

I have a 49" curved monitor and I’m having an issue with certain windows that come up. For example the quest dialogue/quest accept window is all the way to the left. I want to move it toward the middle more. Other screens like the Guild screen, Warband screen etc… I can move many windows using the EDIT function, but not those screens that I can tell. Can anyone recommend something that will help me out here?


This is great and allowed me to move everything, except for the “window” that is the thing I am targeting. Whether it’s the NPC I am talking to or the mob I am fighting, that avatar shows up on the far upper left side and I can’t move it.

The target unit frame is one of the standard ones that can be relocated with the stock Edit Mode.

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I personally love Blizzmove as it allows you to resize windows too, but i think Moveany is another one that does similar stuff.