Ultimate Warlock Feedback

Honestly a lot of these threads are greedy and usually OP suggests something ridiculous/overpowered.

None of that is really the case here. This is very well thought out and formulated feedback. Bravo OP!


Please make it happen Aggrend this threads fire!


What I don’t understand is how they’re spoon fed better ideas than they’d ever “cook up” and yet do nothing. It’s a shame to say the least


Ya i know, it pains me to see especially when they make a drastic and erratic move like the change to shadowflame that no one asked for. I hope the devs really pay attention to this well thought post and use these examples for changes.

Shadowflame’s change was most likely a kneejerk reaction to the ae potential lock tanks would have had. It was poorly thought out and quickly implemented. Shadow Cleave RoF and Shadowflame would have been quite potent AE - even without the changes mentioned in this post.

They should just make suppression affect fire and shadow for 1% each instead of giving a shadow immolate (that was one of the reasons given!??).

Soul siphon as the devs have it implemented is terrible to play with. Even if it could crit, scaled better with SP, was affected by haste and procced ISB - all of which is probably needed for it to be a viable shadow bolt replacement, I still wouldn’t use it in open world. My bags would be permanently full of soul shards and i don’t want to micro manage a skill to deem if i get shards or not (if a fix was implemented). Again it’s a poorly thought out change that requires ALOT of development time to fix. The rune change suggested is a great solution - won’t affect pvp due to ramp up as it requires hard casting and would be relatively easy to implement.

Actually I like pretty much like all of the changes above with exception to RoF and Infernal Armor. I especially like the pact/demonic knowledge changes. If there were any changes to make - those going baseline have to be the highest priority. It would give actual choices to those rune slots.

Infernal Armor as OP has it is crazily overpowered. 60% magic dmg reduction with 60% dmg increase for 10 sec on a 1 min cd is utterly insane for small scale skirmish pvp. For tanking it would be broken for ae especially if combined with the new rof suggestions, far surpassing any other tank. With such a short cd it’d be up for every pull. Even if you made it 1/3 of your physical dmg reduction it’d still be an insanely powerful cd for 1min.

RoF change I’d ideally need to see numbers but allowing those abilities to crit would be around 25-45% dmg increase for uncapped AE (assuming ruin talented and depending on your crit value) - again this would probably be far to powerful for tanks especially if shadowflame is reverted.

Well it’ll be interesting if the devs decide to actually implement any of the changes listed - I really hope rune swaps and dk/pact baseline are done at the very least.

Love these changes! We will probably not get all, but even just doing the rune swaps and making Demonic Knowledge/Pact baseline would be a huge step in making Tank, Destro, and Affliction all viable and playable options.

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Agree and bumping so hopefully gets read! Great post.


This is all good stuff. How have they neglected soulwell this whole time?

I just want to add we need some sort of snare/stun/defensive in PvP too. Instant cast howl of terror, reduced CD on deathcoil, a slow or stun. A dispersion lite or the demonic teleporter thing. Anything would be nice since every other class has something.

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Here’s a warlock fix. Stop playing sod lmao play retail warlock, it’s much better.

When I tried MoP remix as a SoD warlock, I didn’t even recognize the class. Also retail is lame and that’s why I’m playing SoD in the first place.

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As a spriest, this plz!


Bump this thread for good ideas. Get a +1

To the top!

Everlasting affliction could also use a redesign. It’s such a crappy rune that never changed since p1. Maybe they could add UA and SL to it.

Would be nice if Demonology Warlocks got something… I mean toss something at us Devs geez…


Awesome post. Bump!!!

Disagree on the Demonic Grace changes. As it stands now it’s at a 50% uptime which is where it feels the best for tanklock. I don’t think the extra crit or dodge rate would be worth trading off 10 more seconds of it not being active.

Also disagree on SS slot change. If you have to put it anywhere put it in the boots or bracers. I still think it makes far more sense to just combine it as is with MC. Having to move mark of chaos to boots to make room for SS being in the cape slot is just a weirdchamp move. Just make SS a boot slot if you have to move it.

Rest of it is pretty good. I like the immolation aura changes a lot.

Recent rune swaps take all the raid util that was probably meant to be affli (pact / mark of chaos) and made it available (more so than affli too) to destro…

And affli basically hard forced into drain build.

Personally sadge.

Replacing drain soild with shadow bolt in the siphon rune would be awesome. We want to be casting SB anyways so why not make it so when shadow bolt hits all your dots do a little burst affect to the target.