Ulduar Release Day

I am making a passionate plea for Ulduar to not be released on a Friday AEST time. It is the biggest grief not getting normal raid nights for progression and instantly puts us behind the 8ball. Most guilds raid on a Weds and Thurs. Pushing it to a Friday means the average guild doesn’t get a normal day to progress, or much time to do so. This then puts more pressure on alt raids as well. A similar time slot drop but on a Normal lockout would be ideal.
~ Your average Aussie player.


I’m sure you can make an exception for 1 week.

No doubt your whole raid team would be keen for it.

And if they’re not, or can’t make it - It’s not a huge deal tbh it’s 1 week.

The whole OCE sphere isn’t populated enough for blizzard to pay us any mind anyway


That’s what I was going to say.
Expect Ulduar last longer than Naxx. At least that’s what devs have been saying >.<

My raid team skipped first week. We’re fine.
It, certainly, felt a little upsetting for the first couple of weeks, but at this point, it doesn’t matter 1 bit.

idk if this helps.

I’m expecting Ulduar to last at least 6 months.

Yeah, easy.
I don’t understand people’s & developers’ obsession with Ulduar.
Sure, it was a good raid to an extend, but certainly not THAT good to last this long.

Pretty sure Blizzard have stated that they’re gonna make Ulduar last longer than it did back in OG WotLK. Udluar lasted roughly 4 months, which means we’re gonna get 5+ months out of it and I want it to be 6 more so than 5.

That is if Blizzard keeps their word.


Seems like the best time would be to just release it on a Tuesday reset?


It’s coming on Jan 9th according to the leak.

it’s not going to be released on a friday , i dont think anything has ever been released on a friday in the history of wow. Ulduar will be out for at least 5 months . Considering the legendary mace will take most guilds 4+ months just to get ONE.

I saw that leak, however that’s a Monday so I doubt it. Hopefully it get released the same week.

Once Ulduar hits you’ll be begging for ToC a few weeks later.

My Guild/Server has mostly hit Raid Log mode, it’s the nature of things. The novelty has completely worn off for me.

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What leak?
What’s the source of the leak, and what source did the leak use? I keep hearing about this “leak,” but no substantive data to go with it.

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Itll last longer than Wotlk Naxx for sure. Even in original forms Yogg zero is no joke and Algalon will give people trouble with the attempt caps. But they teased a ton of buffs so who knows the extent that will ramp up the difficulty

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It’s highly probable that it will be released on a Thursday. Historically, nearly all Classic phase content has been released on a Thursday.

Grain of salt and all that but over the entire history of Classic I dont think theyve ever been off by more than a day or two…

That’s for the rest of the world. For aussies it’s Friday mornings.

The guy who leaked was the same guy who leaked the lich king release date and he was right on the money. Jan 9th starting to look legit it fits the 4 week ptr timeline that blizzard usually does.


January until probably Juneish.

Australia isnt real.

Jan 9 would mean 1 day of progging before reset right?