UIErrorsFrame:Clear() no longer working?

Trying to make a macro that will use a toy when I use an ability but doesn’t show error text or play an error sound if the toy is on cooldown. I have an old one on my lock from back in MoP that used to work but now it doesn’t.

#showtooltip Dark Soul: Misery
/use Kafa Press
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
/cast Dark Soul: Misery

Is there a new way to do something like this or is it broken now? My macro knowledge is incredibly basic.

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It’s kinda broken now, I suggest getting an addon like https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/error-monster

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Thanks. I’ll see if I can make sense of the addon. Hope Blizz fixes this macro deal soon.

I made this workaround to instantly clear your UI Errors. Not perfect, but it works! I hope this helps someone :}
/run UIErrorsFrame:Hide() C_Timer.After(0, function() UIErrorsFrame:Clear() UIErrorsFrame:Show() end)

Example usage:

/use Mutilate
/run UIErrorsFrame:Hide() C_Timer.After(0, function() UIErrorsFrame:Clear() UIErrorsFrame:Show() end)


I found my way here from Google. The above workaround works great. :smiley: