UI completely reset?

Export it? You cant ask customers to do this, that is an insane request.
I understand your just trying to provide some help until its fixed, but you guys cant be asking these types of things of your customers, its really embarrassing.

That’s Like asking a customer to put their own toppings on a pizza they ordered.
Awful, just awful.


UI settings are client side nor does Blizzard personally supply these toppings so they’re not really responsible for them other than providing the pizza to place them on. This is more like Blizzard dropped your pizza and handed you a fresh plain pizza.

Obviously whatever process is wiping them sucks immensely and is apparently fixable by Blizzard, but there’s nothing extra to be done beyond fixing the issue and reminding people to back this stuff because freak accidents happen; personally I think I’ve lost my UI at least twice for one reason or another and having it backed up once a month or so just saves you the headache.

This has not worked for me.
I found my .old layout code and tried to import it just to have nothing change.
I’m giving up for today, but as a hail mary:
*hat sort of typo did you get with a copy/paste?

is there an update to this issue
none of the fixes work

FWIW, I have 3 different UI set-ups, 1 for Druid, Rogue, & Hunter saved in the Edit Mode profiles. Today after launch I encountered the wiped profile issue with all my UIs set to default.

After reading the WTF folders are where these are saved, I opened up C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft_retail_\WTF\Account\ (your account here) and there is a file called edit-mode-cache-account.old.

I opened up that file in word pad and it contains all the strings for each profile I created. First I copy/saved that file in my Dropbox folder then I copied the string for each class and imported them in the Edit Mode drop down menu.

It’s easy to identify what to Copy/Import by the profile names, but you have to search them out a bit. For instance, the string had it in Rogue, Druid, Hunter order for me. So for Druid I had to highlight starting at the word ‘Druid’ all the way down to the last bit of info before ‘Hunter’.


I am actually surprised this is the answer, and I can only assume it’s due to the low % of the player base it happened too. I still haven’t started playing DF yet, as I went to bed waiting for the fix, and the answer is to start over again?

I guess I’m shocked at just how half assed this really is.

Speaking of needing to use a separate program to store UI links, is there any way the maximum character limit in Battle.net will be adjusted so we can share these in our battle.net communities without having to link to google docs or another third party site?

It shouldn’t be on us, the player, to protect our UI from disconnects. It’s your responsibility.


It’s always been the case that UI settings would be lost if the game crashed while loading. May as well add disconnections to the list of fail states that triggers it. Is the game writing to these files during load screens? I haven’t investigated but I’m thinking whatever it is doing, it should be doing to a copy created at runtime.

It was actually possible to recover it if people knew about what was happening and restored the backup (.bak) copies of their mod settings from the WTF\SavedVariables folders before the game overwrote them.

However since the game helpfully makes new copies of said files and overwrites them each time the program starts, someone would need to know where to look, need to know that their UI settings were corrupted (hard to tell when you haven’t loaded into the game), and need to know that trying to load the game again will erase the backups and replace them with empty or corrupted saves.

This is another area that has needed overhaul for a long time.

This has happened to me 4 times since the change. This last time I did an export and copied the string into a notepad document. Then of course it happened again and I loled at blizzard and said to myself take that blizzard.

I didn’t know what a copy paste import originally looked like so I looked one up on wago . io to see a template (I can’t add a link to my post for some reason, sorry). It starts off with a string of numbers that looks like this:

0 30 0 0 0 3 3 (then the rest is the big paragraph of stuff)

For me personally, the first 0 was NOT there, so I had to copy paste the code starting from the numbers and then add the 0. Then my lua error went away and I was able to re-import it.
I hope this fix works for you!

The irony of it being called the WTF folder

Pay $15 a month. Should get weekly tuning. Instead you are forced to figure out how to save a trash UI that should automatically be done. RIP blizzard i hope daddy Microsoft does better.

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I use two laptops. One reset, the other did not.

Terrible. I wish disconnects while loading were “bad luck” as you suggest, rather than just “how it is.”

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