Uhoh..Bobby knew all about the sexual harassment allegations for years

To be fair, my sub expired about a month ago. Yet I can still post. It is costing me literally nothing to express my opinions. Probably not now though! :stuck_out_tongue: They’re most likely on to me.

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Teldrassil was an inside job

I feel its more of a yank problem.

You seem to relish the idea of screwing each other over as a culture.

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Huh? Where did you get that out of what I wrote :confounded:

1 dude in an office on top of a skyscraper or whatever isnt the game. I bet he has zero to do with the content that goes into the game. He just sits at the top getting dollars funneled into his pocket.

If some of the stuff reported is true he should be serving a prison sentence, “freedom of speech” only goes so far

No, the worst thing that will happen is that he won’t be able to find a similar job and will retire in unimaginable luxury.

I don’t think he knew.

? We had Clinton for 8 years though.

How could she push token sales for paid carries if she didn’t sell carries in-game, right?

Oh apologies.

I assume most players who are still here are Americans.

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I just want to see Bobby gone. He dug his own grave here. I never seen him as a “good thing” for the company. I hope the board tosses him out


He left an assistant a voice mail saying he was going to have her killed, which he followed up with “lol j/k sry”.

A true leader right there.

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Inb4 you get canceled :stuck_out_tongue:

Somehow I think of Bobby as even more of a scumbag than I did before. None of this surprises me, as it is all highly typical, but I still manage to think “oh, this guy is much worse than I thought.” He’s not just a money-loving greaseball, he’s a terrible person.

I’ll start with how, months ago, I thought he probably knew about all of this as it happened. There was no way these things were going on under his nose without him knowing. I don’t know if it comes from some twisted sense of protecting himself, his company and somehow thinking there won’t be repercussions when it inevitably comes out, but this whole thing where people think it is okay to hide these things instead of acknowledging and proactively trying to improve things is a major flaw of humanity. And of course it now surfaces that he has done exactly this.

Of course he knew. Of course he didn’t do anything. He has no morality. A single dollar is more important to this guy than the safety and wellbeing of women in his workplace. It’s not just that he knew about it, or that he didn’t report it. He didn’t want to care. He didn’t want the workplace to be better.

Allegedly he wrote the email Fran Townsend sent out to all employees, and subsequently criticised it as “tone deaf.” Can’t even describe how immature and wrong this is… Laughably horrible. It’s like a puppet master accidentally showing his hands during the entire performance.

And then… this. https://www.activisionblizzard.com/newsroom/2021/11/a-message-from-ceo-bobby-kotick

“Full steam ahead guys. I am not a terrible person at all. I heard you like welcomeness and inclusion so have some more of that!” …Maybe I should have my buzzwords committee of unpaid interns come up with some new words, these might be getting overused. No… They are fine.


If he knew he would have stepped in.

No he wouldn’t.

His responses have been preaching (insert current social buzzwords) repeatedly in letters, hiring lawyers to engineer roadblocks for the employees from getting what they want while making sure him and his company look virtuous and generally not giving a single care about any of the people that were done wrong.

No, he really wouldn’t. He very likely did know about it and hasn’t done anything that wasn’t looking out for himself.


Is there more to it or is this just for Feminism fluff ?

Like was her male co-leader with the company for X amount of years and she was only there a few months (so maybe of course there is going to be a pay difference) and maybe it’s being spun into this goofy unequality BS without facts ?


He is a warrior. He would intervene.

Wrong. It’s not on his bars. He wouldn’t lift a finger to cast it from his spellbook either.


I’m sure he would heroic throw or something.