Uhoh..Bobby knew all about the sexual harassment allegations for years

Uh right, like we didn’t have a giant thread that was stroking Bobby’s ego for being “a good guy” because “he requested a pay cut to the minimum” despite getting what, 150 million in stock bonuses this year?

News about Blizzard good or bad gets posted here. How many people were worshipping the ground the company walked on for a week following the initial letter of intent because “they hired a female co-leader!”? A lot.

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If that is to be taken at face value, then the board of directors just don’t care about investing in a profitable company, period.

Granted, these issues were going on in the wake of Kobby Bottick sacking a sizeable chunk of customer service representatives and quality assurance testers in the wake of record profits and obscene bonus payouts. There was no reason to shrink the company but rather grow and expand it. And they’d certainly be able to if they, and by they I mean him, chose to reinvest those profits out of his own pocket.

This is the obvious outcome for having a clown worry more about their public image when this very issue is what led to an actual body count - not necessarily because of an unavoidable circumstance going on in their personal life, but because this was fostered in the company, by the company, for the company.

I’d like a source to that claim.

I would say it’s more they don’t care if there are actual factual bodies on the floor as long as they get their cut and their stock is worth enough to borrow against. Which is pretty typical tbh.


I’m aware. At absolute worst, he’ll be asked to resign and given a hefty compensation package to boot. More than likely, flowery words get said/written, promises get made, some token gestures get made like hiring a bunch of said wronged people in middle management but important sounding roles and/or throwing money at charities.

Just saying though…if a regular person knew of actual crimes happening and the law finds out you opted to turn a blind eye and/or hide the person…that’s accessory and you’re doing time and/or paying in some way too (or they’ll twist your arms with threats to get you to squeal on the “bigger fish”). Must be pretty nice to literally get lifetime sums of money to the point where generations of your family never even need to consider working just because you get to be among the rich elite who get to make and openly break the rules.


I hope everything gets taken away from him
and he goes to jail. this little pos doesn’t deserve anything by know things like this and not acting, just sitting back let lives be destroyed… just a reminder bobby, you killed someone, may not be directly involved but you knew and that’s plenty enough you sad sack.

I bet ion knew something as well.


I’m only surprised that people are surprised tbh


The only surprising thing is that some people still act like they care on a real level, yet they still financially support this company :stuck_out_tongue:


Don’t get your hopes up. There is a lot of corruption at that level and a lot of people with just as filthy hands all too practiced at keeping each other safe. We’re talking people who literally have the power to make official reports and even people vanish the moment spotlights are off them (and the power to “influence” those spotlights).

Heck 1 prominent world-class one literally got executed in his own prison cell with round the clock guard coverage and another we made and kept as president for 4 years.


If he’s fired for cause then there might be a clawback clause in his contract to take his stock options, severance, bonuses back.

It happened with executives at a number of banks that had to be bailed out in 2008…

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My post about this earlier was deleted funny enough.

See if I posted that, I’d get silenced. But w/e this is not good news.

Come on Blizz, you need to do better


I think it’s really weird that threads like these even get support. You guys have known about these issues since they became public but we’re all here still supporting the company.

Stay strong.


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It’s too much. I’m absolutely done with Blizzard. The scandals just never end.


If he was never or rarely in the office then complaints were probably just a footnote on his daily breifing. If they ignore customers then of course they will ignore employees complaints.

Just like Government officials/Presidents, he’ll get a slap on the wrist as the board themselves said he has done a good job, after the article was published.

Capitalsim is arguable the best system us Primates have come up with, however we let Greed roam free while it was made, and thus we have situations like this, Governments are all bought and paid for by Big Corporations/oil/pharma, etc. enacting laws for them to profit, etc.

News flash. “We the People” haven’t been so since after WW2 ever since it became “We the Corporations” go do some research. it isn’t a conspiracy no matter how much you would like to think it is. (oops i side railed my initial thought on the matter) :stuck_out_tongue:

Burn him to the ground


Who cares. I just want them to release a good product. Take care of this stuff in the backround. It means nothing to the majority of people who are just trying to enjoy a video game.

How do you know what he knew?