Uhoh..Bobby knew all about the sexual harassment allegations for years

at this point, I doubt he’s capable of affecting actual change.

in the midst of this, they hire two people, to share the leadership position, one female one male, and it turns out they’re paying the female less.

if bobby isn’t going to change the company even in the middle of all of this… why should we think he’s got any intentions of doing so?


I mean he seems to have been digging his grave for the longest time now, I imagine soon enough the pressure will start to weigh in against him and he will also be forced out. Might do some good hopefully as that takes away blizzards last line of defense against the allegations as of current.

I was looking for this; as it was the first thing I saw earlier. When a guy that rich tells you he’s going to have you killed…

and this is why the mount is 100%

As of now google is down,so good luck researching anything.

I seriously doubt the two things are related.

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I mean at this point his stance is blatantly apparent, and he just has to go given blizzard will not change at all if he is still a part of it. He’s doing more damage than good at this point, and its appalling that the higher ups even keep him at this point. Due to this new piece of information being extremely damning against him and the higher ups of the company with the pay disparity. Still being an issue, which is the last thing they need right now.

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you give them to much credit if you dont think its related

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The optics look really bad on this, regardless of how “innocent” Bobby may actually be. The optics are bad enough to warrant Bobby to step down as a step toward restoring customer faith in doing business with ABK.

Human nature aside (I’ve seen some… interesting comments in this thread), professionals are expected to act professionally towards one another.


The CEO is the captain of the ship. It’s one thing to be the captain and have one singular bad event, it’s another thing to have a continuous loop of negative feedback that doesn’t get handled properly over years and years until you’re sued by the government. This didn’t need to happen if he took it seriously and followed through with it.

But he didn’t for whatever reason, maybe he was told it was handled and let it be, but ultimately the buck stops with him, there is no one else above him to blame. Companies need to learn that ignoring their employees for the short term is a bad business strategy. The more companies who are forced to boot CEOs and other execs over failure to manage these kinds of issues the more other companies will look to them as precedent and not want to get into their predicament. The more you allow them to weasle out of it the more likely they are to shrug it off as the cost of doing business


London Bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down

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Playing a goblin today seems fitting. Money hungry. Deplorable. Idk. Actually, I’d take a goblin over kotick.

Rules don’t apply to the boss.

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I want to make a joke at my people’s expense, but I’d probably get a nifty forum vacation, even though I’m part of that certain faith lol. Regardless, I always found goblins funny because they resemble a few of the stereotypes of my people :stuck_out_tongue:

The Board doesn’t care.


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:yawning_face: don’t care. There’s nothing that can come out that would change my opinion on WoW in any way. Blizz will get my sub no problem.

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What they sometimes do is find God or an addiction treatment center to attend for a while or get married and discover they love their families - then come out a “new man”. There are actually image consultants that help them do this (for a fee of course). Bottom line is nothing ever changes.

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We are monsters because we don’t care: And like you, I don’t care - This is an HR PROBLEM for the company, They can sort that crap out as all company’s do: THROUGH HR. I have a gamer problem and I game. Horrid what happened - sure, whatever, yes people shouldn’t be monsters. But if you want to see real monsters go to any underdeveloped country and see how those women and kids are treated.

I game, I want to game, I want the forums to be about the game I play: In short, I will remain subbed and don’t care /high five club.


Not surprised by any of this. The rot in the company runs deep. Stuff like this will keep happening until a real overhaul happens.


Activision-Blizzard’s board of directors just released a statement supporting Kotick. He gets to keep his job, apparently.

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