Uhoh..Bobby knew all about the sexual harassment allegations for years

Any citation for this? I’ve googled it and I can’t find it. I would think a board would be very happy with record profits.

ATVI already issued a statement of support for Bobby so he’s not going anywhere it seems.

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And Link to said statement:

This will probably not surprise you, but google seems to refuse to return anything from a credible source more recent than June… I can find one from a non-credible source (some random florida website). So I’ll just have to shrug and say it’s conjecture at this point unless I can substantiate better.



ABK Worker’s Alliance wants him gone.

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That’s big of you to say that. I respect it bigly. All good!

Did any of you think he didn’t?

Pick any squeaky clean Corporation out there and I guarantee you they’re all covering something up that you would be outraged if you knew. That is not to say he gets a pass. it’s just people are just generally awful. when you’re rich you feel the rules don’t apply to you and you do awful stuff like cover-ups

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I never thought he didn’t, but he said he never wasn’t aware of it. He may have thought that measures were in place to fix it. He’s not going down to a lower manager’s office and checking on things, he’s likely getting emails and other correspondence on this kind of thing.

Regardless though, as much as CEOs get paid, if crap hits the fan, they fall. I’m shocked he made it through this tbh, but we’ll see what happens if the stock keeps dropping.

This does not surprise me after everything that has occurred so far. It is so sad to see this and it seems they have not learned anything from this.

Things that big are run up the chain I guarantee it.

If he didn’t know it was a failure of leadership on his part. Most bigwigs have to come up with a strategy to fix these things it’s not just an HR issue.

Golden Parachute, deploy. That’s the most likely outcome. Bobby gets a big payoff to go since his name has become so toxic. Investors don’t want anything that could impact their earnings and right now he’s a gigantic liability.

I don’t have much faith in what comes next, but the first thing is they gotta just bite the bullet and lose Kotick, regardless of the payout size.

Would be nice if they were genuine about improving the culture and work environment in the company and not just changing the drapes by removing old content or jokes (not that I’m upset about that in particular). Treat your staff like human beings and respect your player base’s time and money. It’s that friggin simple.

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See above, he already issued a statement. There will be no golden parachute because he’s not leaving.

Something is known, but there must be someone else responsible within the company for making this gamergate at Blizzard, and they will hide it.

Only time will tell.

This is a prime example of why you never accept anything at face value unless you’re just ok with likely being lied to.

No one should be shocked info is being leaked that upper management knew of grumblings and chose to not prioritize it.

He says he’s not, but that’s just the initial response. If it looks like there’s going to be board action watch how quick that changes.

Story breaks and they walkout a couple hours later. Good for them. That sleazeball doesn’t deserve to have people working for him.


Ya I agree. But having been a part of meetings where I am now, sometimes things like this get out as “this thing happened, don’t worry it’s being taken care of, just FYI”. And it might not even be THAT formal. We don’t know if he was sitting in his office maniacally laughing at women being harassed, but I severely doubt it.

Sometimes things get big on you quick. And at some point it can seem like it’s best to keep it in house and deal with it. Of course all of this could be wrong. Bobby has been with this company for decades though, he wasn’t hired like Tim Cook was by Apple from Compaq. He likely feels a lot of personal ownership of that company.

Just my thoughts. I honestly have no idea.

Instead of cheering for anyone to lose their job, even if they are mega rich, wouldn’t the better story be a redemption one?

It’s not like he did something so terrible that he is irredeemable (besides screwing up WoW). I’d like to see Kotick change how the company is run and make a new name for himself. There’s still chapters to be written in this story.

I wish it worked like that, but you have to remember. In general at that level they are all buddies. They aren’t going to throw him to the wolves unless there is a liability so large that doing so would make sense. They’ll close ranks, hunker, and weather the storm. They’ll blame the media and ‘rogue’ employees, they’ll pay off former employees to put out statements that it was a lie etc.


Could be, could also go the other way also if he actually did lie to the other executives also. Sometimes these statements are strategic to leverage the maximum payout before a departure.

Most likely you’re right, though.

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