Uhoh..Bobby knew all about the sexual harassment allegations for years

Can you prove she wasn’t?

Yeah it sounds like Bobby K. wasn’t terrific at his job either and hopefully is on the way out. Sounds like we agree here.

You are twisting my words. Obviously if across the board all men within a company are receiving higher salaries than all women in the same positions, we have a problem. With a single example, like the co-President or whatever Jen was, it’s much harder to know from the outside why pay discrepancies exist.

I’m not, I just think people should be able to compensate their employees based on performance. If the woman is performing worse than the man…a company should be able to pay her less. Maybe they think she has potential, and they want to keep her around for a year or so and see if she adjusts and gets better. Likewise, if she is performing better than her male counterparts, companies should be able to pay her more and give her bonuses as a reward.