Uhoh..Bobby knew all about the sexual harassment allegations for years

lying to the board is how you lose your job.

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Thanks for mansplaining a near General knowledge term for us small brains

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No problem. Glad you got to learn something today.

Now go run off to Tumblr or Tik Tok and rally the wokeness wonders to cancel me.

Nobody is paid equally in non-union jobs. People are compensated individually and this can be impacted by any number of qualifiers. The fact she was paid less is probably reflective of the fact that her job was just a PR move and the company didn’t really see her as necessary the same way they did their ACTUAL ceo

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You’re one of those huh. Go run to the quartering or breitbart dude


Companies/coporations only care about things as much as it hurts their bottom line. It’s 100% all about money, and the CEO’s job is to keep the money flowing, ethics/morals be damned. Think of a business as a terminator, it doesn’t feel pain, emotion, pity, and it absolutely will not stop, unless you take it’s money somehow. Money is the language in which they speak. Blizzard/Kotick acted the way they did because they felt it better for their bottom line than any other course of action. It’s always whatever’s in the best interest of the business, nothing to do with morals/values/ethics. Everything that is going on at blizzard has, is and will go on at most other businesses.

I’m just saying lol, is that not even a possibility in 2021?

Like is it okay to pay a man less than a woman because the woman is more experienced and just better at her job than the man?

What about vice versa?

Maybe they are just mean people, but maybe she was just bad at her job? All I’m saying is we don’t know.

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ruh roh! ///////


As long as they are holding the same job position, pay discrepancies should be eliminated. If the ‘man’ in this case is not performing to the same standard as the ‘woman’, then one of two things ought to happen:

either the company accepts the human condition with respect to how no two people are alike, but pay them both the same as long as they meet the job requirements


re-evaluate their competency.

The issue as it pertains to this specific discussion, is that this discrepancy isn’t the result of some grocery store janitor being paid less than the CEO, because that isn’t the same job.

The issue is that Jen got paid less than Mike despite having the same position. That’s a given and I shouldn’t have to explain that.


The culture of a company comes from the top down

he knew. or at minimum he knew and turned a blind eye to the issues.

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Why though? Like this seems like a stupid rule to have to have?

Men make different pay than other men in the same position based on how good they are at their jobs. Tom Brady doesn’t make the same amount as Patrick Mahomes, despite having the exact same job…I don’t understand why men and women have to be paid exactly the same all the time.

What if the shoe is on the other foot, and the woman is in a position where she has more experience and capabilities, maybe she is the President of Operations for a company and she is retiring in a few years, so they promote a young man to co-President to be her successor, and during the period where they both hold the same title the woman is paid more because she has years of experience and is more capable. Is this okay?

Like I get that paying women less just for being women is obviously not cool, but this idea that men and women have to always have the exact same pay or else everybody gets cancelled seems exhausting and tiresome. Can we not live our lives and walk this Earth with just a tiny bit of nuance?

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I don’t think it’s stupid to have a clear, definable and more ridgid expectation of pay transparency.


I’m surprised the board is behind him, he’s costing the company money and investors should be about to lynch him.

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And the clear corporate-speak

“We are moving forward with unwavering focus, speed, and resources to continue increasing diversity across our company and industry and to ensure that every employee comes to work feeling valued, safe, respected, and inspired. We will not stop until we have the best workplace for our team.”

Later on Tuesday, Activision Blizzard’s board said it stands by Kotick.

“Under Bobby Kotick’s leadership the Company is already implementing industry leading changes including a zero tolerance harassment policy, a dedication to achieving significant increases to the percentages of women and non-binary people in our workforce and significant internal and external investments to accelerate opportunities for diverse talent,” the board said in a statement. “The Board remains confident that Bobby Kotick appropriately addressed workplace issues brought to his attention… The Board remains confident in Bobby Kotick’s leadership, commitment and ability to achieve these goals.”

roflllll… zero tolerance except for when it’s the CEO… “the board remains confident” – oh really? we’ll see about how confident.

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He’s a massive embarassment for you Blizzard.


I do. Human beings aren’t rigid or definable, every one of us is unique, with our own set of skills, knowledge and expertise.

Look, there are scenarios where women are paid less and it is discrimination and wrong, but there are also scenarios where women are paid less and maybe it’s just because they aren’t as experienced and there isn’t necessarily anything nefarious going on.

Your attempt to define the world and implement a rigid set of rules is noble in what you want to accomplish, but folly in practice.

Megan Rapinoe makes more money than Mallory Pugh even though they are both women performing the same job. Why? Because she is a better player with more experience and is more marketable.

Someone being better than someone else at their job, whether they are male, female, or any gender in between, is not discrimination.

Get good, or make your own group.

yeah, dude has to go

Lol, okay.

And? Can you prove Jen was working less hard? Can you expect people to not feel embarrassed that paying your employees has to be this convoluted thing?

I have to question your logic here. You argue with the same charisma of someone like Ben Shapiro in that your arguments are mechanically sound, but they do not fit reality.

There’s a mutiny happening in Blizzard Entertainment, and industry leaders headed by Microsoft, Sony, and others seem to be of the mindset that Kotick’s enablement of the issue at hand, the company has lost record amounts of its valuation, and you’re over here playing the role of the contrarian.

“But what if the men are working harder?” Because clearly, having a workplace environment that excuses getting drunk while on the job and haphazardly harassing your employees, in my humble opinion, does not look like hard work.

Why are you so focused on pursuing this narrative? That women are paid less for working less hard then all the men? This is a textbook example, 101, of gender inequality. So either Kotick didn’t do a good enough job in addressing the issue at hand, or there must clearly be an anti-man conspiracy at play here.

Either way, you’re wrong.