UH/Frost DK lf raiding home

So due to covid I had to stop playing almost altogether while I waited for work to finally get back to normal… I am 221 rn. I got AOTC last tier and had some mythic kills in nya. I have old logs if needed to get a sense of dps parsing etc. I am not opposed to changing server or faction just my schedule makes it hard to find a home since I only consistently available after 10pm est -3am est. My btag is imnutz1020#1831 if anyone is interested been trolling around my server applying late night and not much luck :slight_smile: .

Hey there, we’re a pretty late night raiding guild (Tue/Wed/Sun 11pm-2am EST), currently 5/10H previously 2/10M in Nathria. Take a look at our forum post or get in touch with me on Discord if you wanna chat. lonesoldier09#0009