WoW’s cartoony style is fun, but honestly, I feel like litterally all the characters are a bit ugly and/or funny looking in their own way.
It’s not quite as bad as ESO though… I couldn’t make an even remotely decent looking female character there and had to just settle for someone who looked like they were smelling a fart, mad about it and constipated 24/7. 
We just need tails then we can look better.
I’m a worgen in a mini skirt and flowers the best kind of nightmare. 
I did a mix of the new worgen heritage mog and witch mog. The heritage mog is not showing in the armory just so people know.
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Says the Human Worgen Woman look beautiful and amazing your just jealous cause normal humans are boring as hell.

WoW has the most ugly character models of all the games I play.
And even the races described as beautiful, like elves of any kind, are grotesquely ugly. The models are just extremely bulky, disproportionate, mostly have really ugly faces, clunky animations and yeah… not what I would call pretty. 
As much as I love Mechagnomes, they only look good in their heritage armor. Even that is lacking as they only received the gold tint.
i would say more like putting the goats down.
I think the ugliest races are the ones that are played the least.
Dracthyr are missing here, but they’d certainly be at the bottom of the list if the Evoker wasn’t exclusive to them.
i dunno, i’d say mechagnomes win the ugly contest.
Ahh, thank you! I love my Worgen girls!
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Wish we had the option to show both human and Worgen forms, ( in the Armory )as we do in the creation screen- that would be cool for Dracthyr also!
It’s kind of a fun side quest to try and find a mog that suits both forms.
I’d recommend considering animations too. For example, the way shoulders move on female KT just kills me inside, despite me being quite fond of them otherwise.
I honestly feel there is a flaw to every race at this point, because those that were bad in the past have often got added flavour that the other more popular races now lack.
id like kul tiran if especially fem kts didnt have the most vacant expression
literally lights are on but no one is home
in theory male belfs and velfs should be lovely but they have that dumb stance and smug expression that makes me hate them more than anything
male humans are passable but preferably in as much armor as possible…
male nelfs are just ugly and built weird. same with nightborne (i honestly forget male NB are a thing because ive genuinely probably seen a max of 2 in the wild)
male draenei are just strange. i cant bring myself to appreciate the refrigerators
the rest of them i can find something to appreciate. male undead, tauren (hm and normal), troll (zand/normal) and dwarves r probably my favorite
all female races look nice honestly
Male Worgen, it has no elbows when running.
I’m not a fan of male dwarves and female kul tirans.
Blood Elves.
In that order.
human, gnome/mecha, goblin, female tauren, vulpera, male nelf
In all seriousness. Humans. The males all look like they’re trying to drop a big load or something.
They get to walk around naked all the time if they want. I think they’re winning