Patch 1.3.0
- Some Blackrock Spire bosses will now properly display their true level, instead of being considered world bosses (who do not display level).
This implies that skull level mobs aren’t nessecarily all level 63. The UBRS bosses are probably all the correct level, they’re just displaying it instead of a skull.
The mage has greater blessing of wisdom, AKA patch 1.9 or later.
Yes, I’m saying that even if the bosses were displayed as a skull, they’re likely to all be the same levels that they currently are.
The skull is a cosmetic UI change.
Ah, they should update the graphic to the correct one.
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They [General Drak, the Beast and Emberseer] could do crushing blows so they were level 63s. Level 62s cannot do crushings. The bosses that were nerfed during vanilla from being skull bosses was Jed and the last boss of LBRS btw. Blackrock spire includes both LBRS and UBRS. Their “true” level [for Jed and Wyrmthalak] might just have been the difficulty level intended for them, that being level 62, and not the level that they actually were as level 63/skulls before they were nerfed in vanilla.
The video i posted up above however clearly shows that the Beast and Drak were never nerfed during vanilla.
You’re going to need to provide evidence of that. I can see evidence that The Beast required 310 skinning during Vanilla, which means he would have been a level 62 mob underneath that skull.
Benna [on 2006/10/18] (Patch 1.12.1) Subject: “RE: Beasts Level”
Well The Beast is lvl 62, while Nefarian, Onyxia, Magmadar and all other skinnable creatures in the end-game is lvl 63, as every 5 level you get in skinning you can skin one higher lvl mob:
300 skinning=lvl 1-60
305 skinning=lvl 1-61
310 skinning=lvl 1-62
315 skinning=lvl 1-63
For example everybody knows Onyxia needs 315 skinning lvl to be skinned, and 315 skinning=lvl 1-63 so lvl 63 boss.
Another thing, unrelated, speaking of black dragons. Weren’t the black dragons outside onyxia and the green dragons outside ST elites? When I go do the quests to kill them, they’re even marked as elite quests.
By omfgzers [on 2006/11/01] (Patch 1.12.1)
Subject: "CHanged"Thoese guys arent elites anymore, tbh, none of the dragons around Onyxia’s lair are.
Alright, so I’m not crazy, thanks. I guess I just don’t remember that change.
It’s the same for a lot of people. I’m learning a lot by fact checking bug reports that people have been making.
Is blizzard never going to fix this? People have been reporting this damn near since launch.
at this point, I dont think they would. its pointless since a majority have already dealt with it enough and with all the raiding thats happened, even if they did change it, it would still be easy for most at this point.
Basically Blizz did nothing, which is par for the course for classic on the real issues, they too busy changing the things nobody wants.
Making a cosmetic change to the boss level indicator of UBRS bosses would not make them more difficult. It’s like you two didn’t read my detective work and instead jumped on the bandwagon.
Like most people do on this utterly useless forum.
wow, thanks for being so informative and helpful for some of us instead of just being insulting… oh wait, ya you were just insulting and really not helpful. Could have just let us know a mistake was made and moved on… your just as useless as everyone you complain about since when you insult, it just makes your point get ignored as people just focus on the negativity you seem to have.
I would have happily admitted I missed something otherwise.
No problem man, I’m here to help.
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I have old Vanilla videos that shows Rend with a Skull level so I can confirm that part.
There are a few ways to approach a bug like this philosophically. Since people haven’t kept combat logs from over a decade ago, it’s impossible to say if Emberseer, Rend, the Beast, and Drakkisath did crushing blows as a level 63 when they were marked as skull-type bosses in Vanilla. Perhaps they did; perhaps they didn’t. Only Blizzard would know, and thus that’s for them to investigate. They would determine that while fixing what is undeniably a bug: the level display of these bosses is incorrect. A bug is a bug, regardless of how small it may (or may not) be. Therefore, it should be brought to Blizzard’s attention and this thread is not a waste of time. More visibility in the form of comments and views is useful for getting Blizzard to respond or investigate.
I did ubrs today and this has actually been fixed now. Must have been snuck into the last hotfix patch.
Looks like they fixed it without ever acknowledging this bug.
I noticed that too. I didn’t even see the level change until i was hit with a crushing blow! Lol. That confirms that they were meant to be level 63.
Well that confirms we have been running a nerfed ubrs the past few months.