Tyrande's Villainous Voiceovers! Spoilers Ahead!

And I thought her voice was atrocious before her little creepypasta cosplay…


All I can say is we better get the option to side with Tyrande over Anduin. :pleading_face:


That will probably happen.

And it will probably be the “wrong choice” that doesn’t get rewards, like siding with Sylvanas.


four faction war? Alliance, horde, True horde Sylvanas, Eyeliner Tyrande :slight_smile:

Sylvanas is so Horde that when she realized she didn’t need the Horde anymore to kill everybody on the planet she quit the Horde on her own lol

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The Horde? Complicit.

Anduin? Doesn’t care about retribution.

Elune? She can calm people before death but that’s as far as she’ll go! Genocide isn’t as bad if it doesn’t hurt!

Men? That’s you projecting.


Irrelevant. They said she already got her revenge.

Silence ungrateful undead! We still have not seen the end of the dark lady’s vision and plans :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

She is the one who doesn’t want to be in the city of men anymore. I don’t care.

Also that reverb! is she becoming a Void Elf or what?

Are you guys forgeting Anduin WAS sending help to the Nelfs?
Horde made a feint “attacking” Silithus, so Alliance sent the brunt of their force BY SHIP to Silithus, then Horde went straight to Darnassus, AWAY from Alliance’s Ships and troops…
boats came too late

Men… as in humans, gorl


Did I ever say otherwise?

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No, but your decontextualization stripped the phrase of its nuance, and you know, that’s as bad as Burning Teldrassil.


I think what pissed Tyrande and the NE is afterwards. Anduin refused to send help to retake darkshore saying alliance forces are already spread too thin or something.

That’s how you chose to read it.

I just used the same term she did to number the things she’s angry at.

Too late, you shall have the same punishment as Sylvanas, as your crimes are of the same magnitude.


AKA nothing?

Because no one punished Sylvanas.

She quit on her own. Turned into smoke and disappeared.

And no one can catch her because she’s smoke lol

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Void elves should die along with Nzoth. We do not need the taint of the void in azeroth!! :slight_smile:

I agree with every word that she said… Unfortunately when I listen to them I see Blizzard still using the Alliance and now specifically Tyrande as a plot item for the Horde… Still waiting on the redemption ending for Sylvanas in this expansion.