Tyrande isn't crazy


they constantly cycle through liked chars of the horde by making them villans to kill off

but remember if a civil war breaks out and we kill tyrande, it’s an alliance favoritism expansions


I think thou doth hate too much.

The night elves recently have given everything they have to the alliance, where they were needed, they were there.

It’s not as though they were an inquisition that went out beyond their realms to quash anyone who didn’t bow to their whims…


and yet here the Horde is, having destroyed one planet and nearly destroyed another, having yet to die by that sword.

welcome to LOLokay just as many named Alliance characters including a faction leader (you all forget Archdruid Staghelm co-ruled with Tyrande) became bad guys to wail on?


according to the wardens they’ve done it fairly regularly long after

but hey good point! we should’ve allied with one of the troll tribes and just had them pull the trigger, revenge is fair after all

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Wanting revenge makes you evil, because I am very evil.

I am up to the horn to forgive the horde for their crimes?.

But do you know who we really should be angry with?

With blizz they did all this the horde player is not to blame, the DEVs have spit in the face of the Alliance members with their garbage plot.

They do not even bother to give us their own plot or give us some personality and seriousness.

They are so focused on making their plot of flying corpse and sad orc that they forgot about the night elves and us of the Alliance players that we want to avenge Darnasus.

Try to calm down I thought that after a year I could put out the anger I felt but not the fire still burns like the first day and only went out with a real revenge.


According to Maiev’s bluster about many craven races tempting their wrath and none survived? Ya that’s a solid foundation. NAME ONE OF THOSE RACES lol


Anduin: “The war has ended. There will be peace again.”

Tyrande: “NO! MOAR WAR!!”

Anduin: “Our forces are tired and depleted. We could barely sustain a war anymore. It’s good for our people.”

Tyrande: “VENGEANCE!!”

Anduin: “Of course, Sylvanas and Nathanos are still out there. We will hunt them down and bring them to justice.”


Anduin: “That’s what I just said.”


Anduin stares confusedly.





orcs did, and the Draenei directly led to it.

they haven’t come close to destroing another

oh cool, one whole character that you can list, super long that
that’s totally even

which one? the ones the humans wiped out with the high elves or the ones the Zandalari physically removed from their presence? How about the ones that summoned Hakkar, they’ve love you


Literally every “horde bias” thread includes demands for more storytelling like the horde.

Horde storytelling consists of failure, forced villain roles, and fan favorite characters going insane for no reason.

Thats exactly what the alliance is getting now. One of their leaders is taking a darker path, which might lead to the villain path. There is your “horde biased” storytelling.

The last time this happened was with jaina, but just like now the community had a meltdown because “muh fav charactor” and “muh alliance good guys” and it got changed. Hopefully this doesnt happen again, let tyrande take a dark path. Let her nuke a horde city. Let her be a villain. Maybe then youll understand why the horde is sick of it.

And ill happily be on the high horse (or wolf if you will) about the whole thing. Calling you murderors and immoral scum like ive been hearing the past 6 or 7 years.

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Benedictus. And you have Garrosh on the Horde. Sylvanas’ story is still unwritten and Garrosh was killed by Thrall. Keep trying


ahh, so we don’t trust the leader of the wardens?

so if i commit genocide on multiple races but don’t tell you the races we can brush it off right?

if we don’t trust the wardens…why should we trust anything an elf says?

I find it difficult to be angry about events that haven’t happened yet. The council will be formed in the future. You are angry about things that technically haven’t been even fully fleshed out yet. Do you realize how illogical that sounds? Rome wasn’t built in a day.

You and what army? The Alliance army is in ruins, so is the Night Elves.

Neat, racism! Or maybe more percise factionism? I mean you are willing to lump me in with Sylvanas supporters when I was literally horrified at the tree burning and pretty much want to pump Sylvanas with so much Light Holy Fire, that she would be reduced to ash. Revenge is blinding, and leads to innocents paying the price. You really ARE like Sylvanas.

Naw, the fact you just did that whole racist/factionist thing tells me you are just like her. You justify hating me because of what somebody else did, just like Sylvanas justified war because of what Genn did. You and Sylvie are two peas in a pod really.

Which was Sylvanas’s reason for starting this whole damn war. Again, you literally just echo her.

like I said, which ones are you taking about cause there’s nothing in the canon lore that says the night elves committed any genocides at all. And ‘none have survived’ doesn’t mean the night elves wiped them out LOL. you horde sycophants are funny.

The Horde tried that when they armed the Shatterspear and told them to torture and kill every elf they saw. The Shatterspear were nearly wiped out and were forced to flee to Zandalar.

Speaking of, even Azshara’s empire reached out to troll civilizations to try and form border agreements, telling them not to move beyond the borders of their own nations. The Zandalari were the only tribe that held to that. Guess which civilization still exists.


oh cool, so random quest npcs count eh?

no one said he was killed by the alliance.
the entire treatment of the horde has been changing through heros and leaders more than most people change their tires

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Iam not one of those players calling it horde favoritism or even for any story like theirs. Some cases both side have it better than others, but I try and not get into the whole red vs blue in the eyes of blizz.

I actually have been adamantly against turning even Sylvanas into a complete villain, yet here we are.

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I actually expect concessions to be made, I just don’t think we have gotten to that part of the story yet. That sorta thing needs to be hammered out after the council is officially formed.

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Reading through these kinds of threads always makes me realize how many people think characters, and people in general are just these static cardboard cutouts who do what they expect them to.