Tyrande as the Night Warrior: Success or Failure?

Didn’t they stop the supplies due to a twilight hammer orc doing something shady?


Yep. Twilight’s hammer killed a bunch of tauren and nelf druids.

Maybe if Thrall wasn’t a pushover and allowed the fringe Horde groups to skirmish in Ashenvale, then it is likely the Night Elves would have never joined the Alliance.

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Maybe if the Night elves tried saying “Hello friends, this is our forest, kindly GTFO” rather than immediately gunning (Bowing?) down everyone in the Warsong clan, warrior or worker, there wouldn’t have been any border skirmishes?

And even though Thrall believed it was his orcs that killed them, for some reason he didn’t publicly condemn those actions to the rest of his Horde.


I can’t stand the Night Warrior so far.

The reason? Nothing has changed.

She beat up Nathanos, killed a Val’kyr, and is now rampaging throughout the Maw & Torghast. Meanwhile everyone is worried about her.

They never gave us an actual win from the Night Warrior power, just immediately went to “Tyrande cannot control this power!!!”

If the Night Warrior is supposed to be the wrath of an angry god channeled through her chosen, why can’t we do anything remotely satisfying?

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Thrall was kind of busy at the time, considering he only handed off the reins to Garrosh so he could save the planet. Which he did, despite the Alliance trying to kidnap him. So be grateful.

It is not enough.
It will never be enough.


I thought this was before he handed the reins of warchief to Garrosh. At the time of the killing, he was still Warchief.


I know we sometimes argue over stupid stuff hugs, but have you noticed how the night elf players say How come WE can never do anything satisfying, like having the avatar of a living god rampaging through the Maw, while the rest of us barely survived the place isn’t a badass moment on its own?

Sometimes I want scream at them Least your race is getting some screen time…again…for the 6th expansion in a row, with another night elf centric zone


I think there’s something to be said about it not actually being shown, though. But that would probably run counter to Blizzard’s idea of the intro being you running and hiding for your life as you inch your way around the maw until you find a way to escape.

Either Tyrande would effectively walk you through the content, ruining the intended suspense and drama, or she’d run off without you and look like a moron.


In their defense, we are TOLD that is happening. Blizzard does a terrible job of showing Night Elves being competent and badass. That is the issue. They SAY they do it, but we never get to actually SEE it in-game.

That is why many Night Elf players complain. Show don’t tell. Let us see Tyrande rampaging and killing stuff in the Maw, as of right now she is no more powerful than Jaina, Thrall, Ebon Blade because we saw them rampaging in the Maw killing stuff.

Any time Night Elves get content it is always either making them incompetent, suffer some loss, or a neutral zone. It never benefits the PLAYABLE faction of Night Elves.


That’s not true.

  1. Cataclysm was nothing but Night Elves winning every single encounter they endeavored unto.
  2. Valsharrah.
  3. Maiev.
  4. While it’s true the dailies for the War of Thorns skewed Horde, the book makes it plain that the civilians of one broken race can outfight the entire Horde. That’s beyond humiliating for team red and beyond mary sue for night elves.
  5. They won Darkshore WITHOUT THE ALLIANCE.
  6. Tyrande effortlessly took Nathaniel apart.

It’s not enough.
It will never be enough.


If you join the Night Fae convenant, you literally go into into the Maw with Shandris and witness Tyrande massacring enemies in the Maw. They shown it in this regard.

I mean,its honestly hard to sympathize with a group of players who’s favorite race made a appearance and had a zone dedicated to them for the 6th expansion in a row while worgen aren’t getting ANYTHING, not even in Ardenweald who has a group of defenders literally called THE WILD HUNT :frowning_face:

I’m honestly tired of their complaining. Treng is right, nothing is ever going to be enough for them.

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Cata where they Ashenvale became contested and they lost Azshara?
Valsharrah was neutral and they those Elves weren’t part of the PLAYABLE faction.
Maiev? What are you talking about?

Darkshore was a victory.

And she killed Nathanos after failing the first time with the help of the PC and Malfurion and letting him succeed in his goal to raise Undead Night Elves. Wow amazing.

Again, I get the sentiment of getting a Night Elf zone every expansion, while no one else gets that kind of attention, but it becomes an issue of the TYPE of attention. As I said, we get Night Elf content but 90% of it is them being incompetent, losing, or it’s neutral.

I can sympathize with both sides of the argument. It’s the same problem I have with Humans. I am tired of them always getting the spotlight and being the saviors.


Why wouldn’t the night elves of Val’sharah be considered part of the playable faction?


Because they weren’t a part of Darnassus? They were their own sect of Night Elf druids neutral to the world. That’s why. It’s like saying the Worgen in Duskwood are part of the playable Worgen faction. Which they are not.

I’d be surprised if any newly sapient ones from Duskwood wouldn’t be at this point. Isn’t there an effort being made to rehabilitate them?

But as for night elves, I don’t see why them not living in Darnassus means they’re an isolated group of nelves. I didn’t think they were some separate tribe or culture. They still maintain a temple of Elune, of which Tyrande is still their high priestess. The wardens might be more fringe, I dunno, but doesn’t Maiev still lead them and maintained contact with Darnassian elves?


The fact that 5 years later we still see Oliver Harris and crew, now with the help of Vassandra, trying to cure Worgen in Duskwood in the worgen heritage questline I would say they aren’t making much progress. Hahaha.

And that was the vibe I got, they weren’t part of the “main” Night Elf culture, they were their own thing.

Those worgen were also the original worgen who were sleeping in the Emerald Dream for thousands of years. You’re not going to cure someone who has been feral that long in a few short years.