Tyrael's Charger will be removed in one month

So a blue post confirmed two other mounts, and ONLY those mounts, are going away but a Customer Support agent says Tyrael’s Charger is going away. Sorry, but I’ll take the official announcement over what “Jeffrey” in the Call Center told someone.

they’ll put it in the trading post, i’m not worried

Yes it is.

Here is the confirmation from Vrak that the charger is going away next month.

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They should really make it clearer because nowhere on the shop page does it say it’s going away. I bet there are a lot of people out there thinking they can just buy it later :confused:

I am glad I purchased this mount. I tried getting it in 2017 and as I was making the transaction the devs had just fixed the glitch. I was so upset for longest time and everytime I saw the mount in game I was scorned. This time that scorn has been warshed away TY Blizz.

:heart: :carousel_horse:

I think its worth is subject to opinion. I never got the chance to pre-order Diablo 3 to get it. Moment I saw it on the store I freaked out and purchased it immediately and have been using it since. So you saying nobody uses it is false.


Oh my. I stand corrected.

*attempts to look sheepish…


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still shows up on shop and today is the 3rd

Be interesting to see if it’s still there after server reset

I bet it will be

Yeah, I got banned for a super old forum post I made - which I had even asked permission about to another GM in the past and had it approved:no_mouth: :interrobang:

When I made a ticket (and included the ticket number which had provided approval) for it they said I violated the social contract and as per agreement the ban stands … Only issue with that, is that I hadn’t signed the damn thing when the forum post was made. :upside_down_face:

Blizzard GM also completely ignored the fact that another GM gave me the thumbs up. So yeah: Their customer service has really gone to poor diarrheic quality, eh? :unamused:


oh look still there

Clearly he was misinformed. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Oh look it’s not

I’ve had it for a decade so no stress here.

I think it’s coming back with the Trading Post, so don’t get your undies in a wad.

Im shocked honestly but like others said its just going to be added to trading post, along with black proto drake and plague drake, magic rooster, spec tiger etc etc

The Plagued and Black proto-drake just need to go back to the achievement.

The titles can stay gone.

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I am not the false idea of time limited makes people spend cash.