Ty Madseason

Mad season show is awesome guy has some quality takes and puts in tons of work. I particularly like that he doesn’t perform the typical streamer yelling and fake hype emotions that make most of them complete jackasses


Hitting rank 14 doesn’t have a skill requisite beyond doing the minimum expectations of your class’s role in a well-performing premade, which are inherently far below that of, say, a high rated arena team, due to the nature of the larger group and thus, there is less personal responsibility per player.

The biggest commitment is the time.

Of course we all know this already. I’m just surprised whenever people act like anyone is making the mistake of thinking rank 14 = uber skill.

WTF I can’t believe the things this community will whinge about.


That logic doesnt really pan out though. For one, if you spend 40+ hours a week doing anything you’re inevitably going to become better at it…
Plus if you’re spending those 40 hours with other people who are also spending 40 hours a week playing competitively, you’ll build off them.
But mostly, this whole meme about premades just being face-roll just isnt accurate. Every premade is concerned with HPH, and to max HPH you have to win tough games. These mythical premades that just roll over the first time they see another premade (which I’ve literally never seen btw) are earning half the hph skilled premades do. So players who are unskilled just dont get invited back to the best/top hph premades, at least until they get better.
Sure you can just brute force your way through, there are people who bust brackets by solo queuing in Av for example. But they are certainly the exception, not the majority.

I wanna that him and WillE are my fav content creator. I like intelectual wow content more than content made to be funny.

Probably because if i wanna get humour i just listen to bill burr

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Alliance and Toxic Behavior. So far the reigning champion combination for 16 years running.

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Staring down AQ, the gear is losing its luster so quickly, I hardly see it worth it. Join a guild that clears content weekly, enjoy getting to know people, and just have fun in the game. You’ll get gear eventually. Stop worrying about PVP if you’re sick of how it plays.

Dude I’ve seen your team get smashed by heartseeker premades with ret pallies healing don’t talk lol.

I didn’t say rank 14s have NO skill.

I said rank 14 isn’t a very effective indication of “Uber” skill.

You’re certainly gonna get dumped on by a guy bonking you with a rank 14 weapon, but that still, is not an indication of skill.

Premades “rolling over” are not uncommon at all and I know entire lists of people who’ve hit rank 14 doing it that way, I ranked with them myself.

The logic is fine, you just can’t build a strawman argument.

How do you even get carried to Rank 14. Skill is barely a factor, it’s just an absurd time grind.

Def not me because I don’t premade.

Êither way, heartseeker is the worst realm NA and the alliance there is also the trash of the trash.

Losing to heartseeker is always bad.