Ty blizz for the policy update

Worth noting that “Trade” is the only channel that connects all major cities. It’s no wonder that more than just WTS messages are included there.

I see you actually don’t play the game, just troll the forums all day. Login, I’ve been on 4 servers, it’s the same on all of them.

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You idiot she’s a community council member she plays the game you just linked her post directly confirming this


Thank you oh wise RP player.

It’s why I suggest Global Ignore List :smiley: I used BadBoy from WoD till last year and I always suggested it to people. If you search the forums for BadBoy and filter it to just show me saying it you’ll see I’ve suggested it over 50 times :laughing: But now I suggest Global Ignore List because it gives you a greater degree of control in how your messages are filtered.

I put a filter I made for someone up here

([contains=wts] and [contains=m+] or [contains=ksm] or [contains=aotc] or
[contains=mythic+]) or ([contains=huokan] or [contains=gold\ only])

Which basically just says if a message in chat
contains “wts” and (m+ or ksm or aotc or mythic+ )
contains huokan or gold only

then block it. I guess the Huokan one isn’t really needed anymore but I feel like GIL allows players to create much more complex filters to deal with scumbags people trying to circumvent filter addons.

Don’t filter guild names people! Filter the message topic :slight_smile:

Is there a problem with role playing or is that not allowed because you can’t boost that either

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Report them. It almost sounds like you want the trade chat spam just so you can argue about it.

Report the people flooding chat, it removes a chunk of your chat log from your view.

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Oof. Imagine linking a community council member’s post and accusing them of not playing the game… lmao


So sad she really should accept the l and move on. Seems she wasn’t quick enough to delete the post and she won’t recover it because it proves her point aka the community council members

It’s clear as day they don’t…

They were handpicked by blizzard they play the game. Your only saying this because you got caught

I don’t know what you’re even talking about, but ok.

Oh, we know you don’t. Just know that we all know that you’re obviously and painfully wrong on this one. Regardless of whether you want to admit it or not.

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This is why no one takes demon hunters seriously my Tauren friend.

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I thought it was because they always fel rush off cliffs

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Get ready to EARN that AOTC again!


Can you help us understand exactly what you mean by this?

What’s the difference between regular advertising vs. “Disruptive” advertising vs. The random chat in trade chat that has nothing to do with the exchange of goods and services?


Can we all stop pretending that we don’t know what spam is please?

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I know exactly what you are talking about. It has been going on since almost day one. Back then we had to make a ticket to report folks.

Once we got right click we were asked to report as spam. I am not saying it does not happen. It most certainly does. However it can, and should, be reported. That sort of spam is also against the rules.

Of course, it is like speeding. Just because there are limits and tickets, people still do it and not all of them get caught.


There’s already limits to how often you can post before getting muted/ silenced.

Whether it’s an organization or a guild seems to be the issue, and the former is the target for this change - yet they reference “disruptive” advertising when the latter can do the exact same advertising.