TWW Pathfinder for Normal flight

Well well…its been released on Icy Veins what you have to do in order to use Normal flight now…and NO its not just one small campaign you all kept saying it would be…

Its 4 Campaigns total…one for each dang zone now…plus you have to be level 80 and have discovered all of the zones.

I told you it wouldn’t be so easy as some of you kept posting lately…its going to take longer then you think. Its discrimination against those of us that are disabled or elderly that have issue with Dragon Riding.


At this point it’s just them being freaking childish, it’s not like we can’t fly from the get-go.

I think they’re just ticked. That they couldn’t remove flight altogether.

Both of them should be released at the exact same time.


So exactly what Ion said. Complete the main story, explore the continent.

Where was he wrong?


I predicted this.


Lol that’s just silly.

That’s like being forced to fly and being allowed to use ground mounts as a reward at the end, but not before.

Just as dumb lol.


So the leveling campaign. Like we said. No different than the DF one.

Yes. We knew that. We’ve said that.

So do the leveling campaign, explore and hit 80.

Like it’s always been said from the beginning.

What? It’s just the basic leveling in zones and you’ll hit 80 and explore it all while you quest. What are you even on about? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Well it’s something you’d do in a short span anyhow unless the campaigns are gated which then that is icky. I think it’s just silly at this point. Instead of them letting people enjoy their product the fantasy way… they go ‘‘nope, you’ll be doing this, our way until we say so’’. (Even though you can fly at the start … just faster than normal flying so this all feels weird)

It’s not like the campaigns and content there at the introduction or in general is anything special lol


Let’s remove normal flight toggle altogether – now there’s no PF requirements!
Add the switch as an accessibility option for those who physically can’t play with dynamic flight, as there should’ve always been.


This is exactly what we were told it would be and we all expected it to be.

Youll be done within the first couple of days.


It really isn’t a surprise. We already knew this. I don’t like it, and it seems like unnecessary punishment, but I also don’t mind exploring on the ground that much - which is where Ion always wanted for us all since WoD. We’re lucky we got Skyriding at all.


Actually it’s literally playing the game. I hated when people said that in earlier iteration of requirements for pathfinder because my argument was no it’s grinding rep.

But this time it literally is playing the game. The continent zones are explored naturally if you do a first pas through all the quests which also gets you the zone achievements.

I always do that stuff on my first character play through of every expansion anyway.

But I still don’t agree with blizzard not letting go of pathfinder I still think it’s ridiculous and well - stupid.

And feels weird when you have to earn the slower flight. lol that’s just crazy town.

It’s like here’s the keys to the Ferrari but you have to do all these things to drive the Honda civic!


Blizzard would get an exodus again a’la WoD so it’s why they did dragonriding to begin with :sweat_smile:


That Is easy. You’ll probably need all four or dang near it to level and discovery isn’t hard.

I love how you put this. I just keep scratching my head as to why or how anyone involved in the flying & development team wouldn’t argue how nasty, mean, & heartless an idea like this is?


At this point it has to be spitefulness has to be there’s no other explanation for it.


So I’ve been told the entire reason is so druids can’t take advantage farming with flight form in the early half of the expansion.

I dunno I guess it’s reasonable but they cant just put code in that forces them out of flight form if the gather?


That’s what they intend it to be.


My big issue with dragon/dynamic flying is BLizzard hasn’t fixed the disconnect bugs when you take off too fast, clip a mountain/ground wrong, etc.

Basically if you take off too fast after mounting = disconnect.

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Compared to what they have done in the past for pathfinder, that is pretty tame… Aggressive side eye at suramar…


Oohhh? So, it’s all the druids fault? Huh. You’d think there’d be someone smart enough to write some code for that rather than spending hours in a boardroom handi-capping already handicapped people. I guess we’re not really “people”, just players in general. And no one on their dev team can figure a work around.