TWW event, did something change?

Can you stop using terms like, “we have identified an issue”. It was Friday, when you hotfixed their health to be way higher. Everyone that cares about this stuff knew it, and posted about it, for 4 days straight. YOU didn’t identify anything, WE told you that you made a mistake and you are playing it off as some “unknown thing that you were surprised by”.

There is a long history of “we discovered a bug” or “we found an issue with” or “we noticed this”. No, we have been telling you, for weeks, months or more, that YOU read what WE said.

On a different note, you permanently banned Harldan for hacks, then reduced it to 6 months for abusive chat. It has been two weeks of them opening tickets and literally getting the run around. They are a content creator that plays this game a metric ton.

I personally believe that you suspended him due to reports while he afk’ed doing an Archiereus farm in which he used SOUNDS to let him know when it spawned so he could tab in. In fact he REPORTED the ACTUAL BOTS, because all anyone needed to do was drop a target dummy like the love fool, the turnip or others, and bots would attack them infinitely.

I know that you cannot actually search people’s computers in the US for “hacks” so you use metrics such as play time, loot rate, player reports, heuristics, etc. He is innocent, and if he isn’t he WANTS YOU TO OUT HIM, TELL PEOPLE WHAT HE DID, TELL PEOPLE WHAT HACKS HE USED. It’s insane that developers watch his videos and fix things he points out, but customer support checks nothing and CLOSES ACCOUNTS.

You’re in a union now, push for things you believe in, automation/ai for things that people care about is not the way. Stop saying “we” when you damn well know we reported it, verified it, and complained about it. Say something like, “After your reports about x, y, z, we noticed that we made a mistake when implementing a, b, c. We have since corrected this and things should be better now.”

Go a step further though too, you’ve noticed that people care more about the boss events because they give the most currency. BUFF THE CURRENCY OF NON BOSS EVENTS. Don’t make it harder to kill bosses, make it MORE WORTH doing other events. You KNOW this already because you nerfed some of them. Good job. Be more active.

I have spent more time in my life on this game, as have some of the people that work there, do the job you wish you could, praise the people the help you.

love the new changes!

before, i do about 2-3 boss kills per hour

now i just did 2-3 in like (less than) half an hour!

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it is like you are assuming they don’t play the game at all and actually read the forum…

And they aren’t going to ban a streamer unless they have solid proof. Most of those guys are stupid enough to stream their cheating.

  1. No, 4 days for a fix means a few things.
    A. They didn’t wait to see the response for the hotfix, or they didn’t look at the hotfix more closely to see the math behind it.
    B. They saw that people reported it but wanted to take credit instead.
    C. They saw both points from A and B, but it’s Friday! We are developers, we dont work days that start in S! (Multi billion dollar company btw)
    D. They saw both points from A and B, but someone higher up controls whether or not they can hotfix something after the fact.
    E. They play the game, saw it was wrong, had no control due to C/D.
    F. Some crap reason that is crap.

As for the response to Harldan, you couldn’t be further from the truth.
I never mentioned streaming. If they had solid proof, they would mention it, i.e. see ALL OTHER CONTENT CREATOR BANS, in which THEY LITERALLY SAY NO YOU DID X Y Z.
Also you think a content creator, that plays 12+ hours a day, and has done so for YEARS, suddenly is like, yeah I’m going to use hacks now. I know that I have been playing the game for almost 20 years, but NOW, NOW is the time to bot. Ya know the time in which there is nothing to do? (They have cutting edge and all mop stuff done, then 4 weeks LATER they get banned again PERMANENTLY, then reduced to 6 months for ABUSIVE CHAT)

You are either insanely ignorant to how Blizzard has been doing things since WoD or you are new. Based on achievement points, it’s the latter. I am glad you haven’t had a negative experience, I hope you never have one, but your idea of “streamers only get banned if there is MORE PROOF THAN THE AVERAGE PLAYER” is not only flawed but insulting.

If blizzard took a stance of NEVER OVERTURNING BANS DUE TO ERROR, I wouldn’t even be able to make an argument, but the fact that BLIZZARD MAKES MISTAKES is proof enough for me. In fact, a blue post responded to MY EXACT POST at the end of legion as to why they were REVERTING HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF BANS.

Mini bosses were dying before people could get to them, so making them a bit tougher seems like the right call.

yes ive just started noticing this after the “hotfix”. Killed the final boss on 3 toons and no weekly chest or any other rewards at all. As usual they somehow break something trying to fix something so simple

well I never saw anyone say the health was a bug - all I saw was complaining and given you are a 1 post wonder I suspect I am on here more than you.

And first you mention they are unionized and now you expect them to work weekends…

Sorry I use different characters for different reasons. You suspect that you are on the forums more than me, that is fact. I’m playing the game.


If every business didn’t work weekends the world would turn to chaos. I would GLADLY work every 4th weekend or 8th weekend in this case because again, MULTI BILLION DOLLAR COMPANY. to solve BASIC ISSUES LIKE THIS.

If you personally didn’t feel a difference in the few minutes you played, good on you. For those that are playing multiple hours per day, it was OBVIOUS and TERRIBLE. There is no reason a hotfix should be applied if you cannot revert or amend it for 4 days.

You yourself admit it, YOU SAW COMPLAINING. So who saw the problem first? Blizzard or the people complaining? Because the people complaining complained within hours of the hotfix, blizzard is claiming noticing 4 days later. Something is off.

Your profile is also private, for all I know you sit in classic forums all day which doesn’t apply here.

I have been playing the game for the last hour straight and posting on the forum in my waiting time

There should be no waiting time outside of queuing for things that require other people to finish. Going to bed, enjoy whatever it is you’re really doing.

I just leveled a character up from 55 to 70 in the event there mostly certainly is waiting time in those when the bosses have shields or you are flying back. I don’t post stories so it takes no time to post.

Now I am waiting for the boat to take me to DragonIsles.

Maybe a good idea not to kick off a configuration change and go away for the weekend…?

The bosses feel like wet noodles after last weekend!

Hey real cool and all but you managed to break objective tracking. So now, for example, Mosh will spawn on the other side of the map and overwrite your current objective of dealing with the deviate fish. So you fly to Mosh and then it just drops your objective altogether so now you get credit for nothing.

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For some reason, several times now while doing the objectives it took me just far enough away from Hogger that it bumped me right out of the event/objective. If it’s happening to others then I think perhaps that people noticed and don’t want to risk missing credit.

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It’s a coin toss on whether the one that fills your bag with grey items (the strangethorn pages), or the beer delivery nonsense with ice on the ground is more obnoxious. I skip both, every time.


There’s a shield?

The changes are good so the boss don’t roll over in 20secs. This actually give people time to hit a hit on the boss and get credit for it. Not everyone lieks to sit at the zone and wait for the boss the spwan 30min before the event starts.

Then don’t play. No one put a gun next to your head and force you to do the these events. You have the option to not do it. Simple as that.

Was the event ever fun?

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That’s the one I had in mind when I was writing it. Once I started doing circles up the ramp in that tower and finally powering out of it just to get 1% of progress I knew it’ll be permanently avoided going forward.