TWW Beta Unplayable

Sounds like a skill issue to me.

Should probably take a look at Fire Mages nuking an entire lobby. Your perspective may change.


Fire mages are squishy and get nuked by DK’s. I haven’t seen such imbalance in pvp since DK’s were first introduced. Melee in general have too many gap closers but DK’s take the cake with their defensive CD’s, damage, and pets

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Seems like you were too busy with crying about DKs that you missed the fact of how OP Ret and basically most classes are. :wink:


Not at all. There are overtuned classes but DK’s are so OP right now lobby’s are instantly over if one side has a DK. They are so disgusting we haven’t seen anything like it since their first introduction back in WoTLK

I played a few shuffle on most specs that I play on retail and while it is true that diseases finally do some damage now I still clap DKs on my WW without any issues.

  • As Lock I feel kinda immortal now with the changes to defense
  • As Aug I feel even more OP than in DF season 2
  • As Ret I still feel busted like crazy
  • As Mage I feel like I am the most broken class ingame again
  • Hunter defense feels completely overtuned with the latest rework
  • And so on

Haven’t tested all classes and specs so far, but what I can say is, that testing on beta is hard because people are so unevenly matched, that MMR is nearly meaningless.

No matter what spec I play, I am at 2100+ mmr after two lobbies and not getting queues anymore. There are barely any real player testing, most don’t have addons they play on retail with, etc. So it is hard to say how good a spec really is, because you can’t test versus equally good players.

UDK feels strong but damage isn’t everything as you should know. What is more important is the pressure a spec can generate to kill people. And here I see way better specs than Unholy DK. He just do rot damage most DPS spec can heal by themselves. Looks great on the scoreboard, but nearly meaningless in terms of killing stuff, that is about doing max ST burst.

Real beta testing about PvP will be done when it goes live I guess. And personally, I don’t think it is a bad idea to make most classes as strong as possible. Gameplay should be about fun, not about everybody is doing the same damage and in the end, the greatest toolkit decides who win.


they have 100 pets - in PvE too?

How do ranged kite a class with 6 gap closers? its double Warriors and pally’s. Their uptime and damage is huge. In my experience dk’s win every game and I’m sure the numbers Blizz get through their data will confirm this.

I would not say that they are gamebreakingly broken, but some of their talents should definitely be looked at, otherwise life of magic damage over time based specs in TWW will be miserable. Rider DKs will be frequently in casters face with unsnareable and pretty much unkiteable Death Charge, if casters somehow escape they have up to 3 grips and even if casters somehow would still apply their dots they would not last for long (Null Magic) and will be frequently dispelled by manual and random AMS (with dispel talent).
As such:

  • Death Charge should either lose 1 charge from 2 (pun intended) or lose immunity to some CC effect categories
  • Null Magic needs a PVP nerf similar to what was applied to Prismatic Barrier for similar reasons
  • AMS dispel effect should not affect AMS applied by Rider NPC.

And before any DK mains jump at me - if you want to keep so much power against casters, you should lose similar amount of power against physical classes or stay extremely vulnerable to them. Would you prefer to roll over casters and flop to melee or a more balanced approach where you have just some advantage over casters (lore intended) and some disadvantage against physical classes (lore intended)?


Maybe the reason you feel like it is op is because you are trying to kite it? How about you fight back instead?

It is, but imagine it wouldn’t. What right of existence would they have? Do they bring in crazy good cc like stunlock and silences, so the enemy team is easy to kill and can’t fight back? Or do they have great ST pressure that nobody can heal, even when using cooldowns correctly?

Or are they more like a class that has nothing else than high aoe damage that shines on the scoreboard, but only players complain about who can’t or don’t want to handle the pressure?

In my experience, good players win and bad players complain in the forum. But luckily for us, we can proves yours quite easily. Make an UDK and lets find out if you are going to win every game. :slight_smile:


Let me completely ignore all the discussions about who’s worse and who is “so much op”.

This is a beta. A beta is also meant for fine tuning and fixing such things before the next expansion. So any “Blizz wtf” and whatever are kinda out of line. There is no expectation of everything to be already perfect. On the contrary you playing generates data blizz can use to balance everything out.
Same goes for productive feedback in the beta forums. And I mean productive. “mimimi blizz is so bad” doesn’t cut it.


Hyperbole much? It is definitely a skill issue.

Did you submit a feedback ticket? The forums are one of the worst places to actually get your complaint in front of a dev. Even class discords are more likely to be seen by them.

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If that is true, why would they even create this thread?

UNPLAYABLE!!! Relax lol. Its almost like its a beta. Maybe try to idk, find bugs?

Well, we are being given a chance to pvp, and show what need tweaked. Why don’t you join for that day to show how crazy dk is?

PvP with the Blues – June 21 - In Development / The War Within Beta Test - World of Warcraft Forums (

That’s my whole point, why even create this thread?

Particularly since the OP has yet to confirm they’ve actually placed feedback through the intended avenue.

OP doesn’t have to confirm anything to you. And your “bleh the forums are the worst[…]”…I mean, then stay away. :wink:
Oh and better let a dev confirm, that your assertion is valid. :open_mouth:

Oh and if blizz wouldn’t care about feedback in the forums, they wouldn’t run them. You’re correct with one thing: The best place for feedback is ingame, yes. But Putting feedback here in the open for discussion is also a good thing. No matter if you like it or agree with it.

I never said not to post in the forums or even “forums are the worst” as you so eloquently put it. I simply encouraged the OP to ensure he also puts in a ticket as well, as that will be the most likely way to get actual traction on the issue. Too many “beta testers” do awfully little testing and even less feedback.

Also, for a dev to respond that they actually read these and it’s not just community managers doing so, they’d have to actually READ the post. I still maintain is not a very reliable way to contact developers.

Anyway, feel free to hyperbolize my statements if it makes you feel somehow more intelligent.

-edited for more accurate quote

I know it seems like 6 gap closers, but it’s just 1 that lasts for like 3 days.

I think that qualifies, at least when you keep in mind, that exaggeration could be a stylistic choice in this case.

Oh and even if only the community managers would read here, which I highly doubt, at least for beta and ptr forums. In such case it is their job to communicate concerns like these internally. It’s a normal thing in big projects like an actual MMO.
The feedback and bug reports you make ingame will also be pre-filtered before the devs read them. Not by the community managers, but also not by devs.

My point was, that as long as there is no proof, it’s just an opinion. Even though you did put it like it would be a fact.

There is no need to try to “feel more intelligent”, don’t worry.
Funny enough, I always have the feeling, that people here might think I did enjoy some low degree of education because of my poor English.