Hi, Gm For Casual But Competitive (Tichondrius) current progression 7/8H. Feel free to look us up on Io or warcraft logs. Id like to have a chat when you have time. Add me on discord. Nighthazard#8347. If your still looking
Hi there! My guild Falkor on stormrage is looking for more players! We are alliance but also have a community for our horde friends.
We have a fri/sat raid team that runs 8-11 est. we are 8/8 H and some are 2/8 M as well. Most of us are past mythic raiders who just wanna hang out and have fun. We have a goal of aotc every tier and then just the first few mythic if people feel like it. No harsh requirements just have your character geared enough for heroic.
We also run keys of all levels during non raid times if that is something you enjoy.
If any of this is of interest to you feel free to contact me on discord (Chibibunny2#4469) or our gm dille(Dille#2417)