Two and a half weeks later and Blizzard is already back to BFA mindset

master looter being gone is fine.

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It’s just a bad system. The current system is way better.

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it’s an anti elite player witch hunt tbh. most of the people crying about the boogeyman that is bad ML were never even effected by it. in legion you needed a majority guild group to even use it. all pugs were personal loot. if you don’t like your guild or trust them… join a new one.

And that’s your opinion. My opinion is the exact opposite: personal is a much more selfish loot system than ML and has no reason to exist within a group setting.

That said, I still believe that people should have the option to use personal loot if they so choose, just like how people should still have the option of using ML if that is what a group agrees to use.

Same ol same ol. This guy never learns, how many mass exodus moments need to happen before he realizes “His vision” doesn’t translate to player engagement for very long?

We shouldn’t need the game to drop a huge percentage of it’s playerbase before they do the most obvious fixes they were too obstinate to follow through on.

Fine, they want the gear chase to take longer and reduced how much gear we get, but why did we also need the drop chance nerfed? Why remove bonus rolls? There’s no titan/warforging so there’s no reason to deny us an extra chance to get a drop without running the same dungeon for the 60th damn time.

And with how narrow the content is this time why in the hell are we adding time gates on top of time gates? Even if we had full access to everything people wouldn’t be blowing through Heroic Nath any faster, but there would be possibly more people capable of actually DOING it.

I wish I had kept a better eye on when my sub renewed cause it went through this morning but after this past week I want out, their responses aren’t making that any better, there’s only one way this team ever learns.


after countless threads on the forums, bug reports, even wowhead articles, and they STILL have no idea about old legacy raids being broken.

LOL what a joke


How is personal loot more selfish than ML? In Personal loot everyone has an equal chance of getting loot. In Master Loot only certain people have a chance of being considered for loot, and of those considered have a chance at loot. I’m not expecting to change your mind by the way.

I’m sure they hope that these changes will make them plenty of money.

this is a team based game. if you’re not selfish you look to get the best possible outcome for the entire group, not yourself. personal loot is selfishness incarnate and antithesis to mythic raid progression. no one cares about your heroic pugs my dude.

Okay, let’s break it down.

Master Looter
There’s actually no problem with this. Do organized raiders prefer Master Loot? Of course they do, because they got to funnel gear to the folks who they thought deserved it, which they can’t do anymore.

Blizzard has the data on who’s joining which covenant and who’s swapping etc, and right now they think, based on that data, that it’s fine. That may change, it may not. Right now though it seems to be on the up and up, completely flying in the face of the forum crowd who thought it would be the end of the world.

Old Raid Tuning
Did you bother to read the actual article? Because if you did, you’d have noticed that Ion said they were looking for specific examples where raid tuning needs to be adjusted (in other words, this is when you provide the feedback!) and Ion stated there was a bug that has since been addressed with Legion power levels. The BfA ilvl scaling into Shadowlands content is another bug they’re addressing (although raid content from the previous expansion has rarely been properly soloable immediately after the launch of the next expansion)

Faction Balance
What exactly do you really think Blizzard can do about this? Honestly. They cannot force people to play on a faction they don’t like. There’s always going to be an imbalance.

That’s assuming that the loot is being distributed selflessly . Which is a big if.

On the other hand personal loot allows trading if it’s not an ilevel upgrade, so you can still give it to those who need it.

again you don’t have to join a guild who uses master loot if you don’t trust that guild.

Why do you need to control loot for others to make it a team game? I’d say this game is better this way because now you are actually looking for people to be in a team instead of only being there for the loot. Personal loot doesn’t change anything about the game, it just gives players power over their own loot instead of to someone else. Sorry if you need ML to make your team work, maybe consider changing the atmosphere so people wouldn’t be forced to be there.

But that doesn’t change the point.

Personal loot is non tradable if it is an upgrade… which means it’s not selfish.

lets say .01% caster trinket drops for your ele shaman but it’s trash for him but great for your mage. it’s an ilevel upgrade for the shaman though but he’s going to vendor it. with master loot the trinket goes to the mage and the shaman doesn’t care at all because it’s trash for him.

So… he’s just saying the things he was also saying before you gave him your money? I dunno but around here we just call that being consistent.

read my most recent comment.

You do realize primary stat in 99% of the cases are more more important?

You are citing exceptions, not rules

His answers to all of these things were sensible to me, especially faction balance.

You aren’t entitled to other’s loot. Again, this is about others controlling loot.