Two 5/10M Healers LF Raiding Guild

We are a resto shaman and a resto druid (resto druid willing to swap mistweaver if needed). I can’t link things on these forums, but our character names are Imprecise and Bobbytables on Area 52 if you want to find our logs. Or you can delete the spaces from the following:

https:// www.warcraftlogs .com/character/us/area-52/imprecise
https:// www.warcraftlogs .com/character/us/area-52/bobbytables

We have both played for 10+ years and during that time have raided, together and separately, with guilds at varying levels of skill and dedication, ranging from casual to top US 200. One constant is that we lean towards light-hours guilds with calm and friendly raid atmospheres.

Our ideal times:

  • Exactly 2 mandatory days out of Tues, Weds, or Thurs
  • 3 hour time blocks between 6pm and midnight EST

We strongly prefer to stay on Area 52.

We also really enjoy keys and are looking for a guild that runs a lot of M+ together. Optional raid nights (for alts, selling, or initial gearing up in a tier) are also a plus.

Add us on discord at Aerinha#4909 or Kverdy#5237

One last note about us: As we mentioned, we have raided both together and separately in the past and while we would like to find a guild together, we’re very willing to be treated as individuals who have to pass their trials independently and can be sat on different nights or for different bosses as the comp dictates.

Hey bud, we are 4/10M and are LF Healers and DPS right now. HMU.

Quick Bio
We are Inconceivable, a newly formed guild on Area 52. We have been clearing content together since 2015 and have recently created a new guild under new ownership! We have a fun, friendly, relaxed environment both in raid and outside of raid with the goal of pushing for CE each tier.

Attendance: Each and every raiders is expected to have 90% attendance. Players who cannot maintain 90% attendance will be sat on the bench and will remain in that spot until they can prove otherwise.
Consumables: each raider is expected to have full consumables. That means, food, flask, pots (enough for pre and post pulls) vantus runes, augment runes, oils, and armor kits. As we supply flask, food, and usually vantus runes, we still expect them to be in your bags.
Knowledge of class: Nobody is the forefront expert on their class. We expect all raiders to understand their class, and keep putting in the effort to be better.
Knowledge of fights: An understanding of all fights that the guild may be progressing on and farming.
Attitude: Always have a good attitude. Many of us come to raid because it is our escape from the real world. If you cannot come and wipe on a progression boss all night while keeping a good, positive, fun attitude, you may not want to inquire.

Raid Times
Wednesday/Thursday 10pm-1am EASTERN
Optional Night: Tuesday 10pm-1am est.

What we need
Healer - ANY

Discord: Vergina#7454 Hombre#11109

You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.!

Planning to hit you up on discord as well, but gonna just leave this here…

Hey there.

Our Old Friends is on server and recruiting. Our times might be out of your range but figured I’d shoot the shot.

We’re 5/10M and we raid Tues/Thurs 10-2AM EST (7-11PM PST) with an optional Wednesday heroic for those that want. Very active Discord and active guild members doing stuff throughout the day. CE as fast as possible is always the goal.

Discord: Neutralcat#1488

Thank you to the people who responded! However, we’re really trying to end at or before midnight EST.

Hi we’re a fairly new guild but most of us have a lot of experience and always looking for new members, we are 3/10M 10/10H. We raid Tuesdays and Thurdays from 8:15pm til 11:30pm EST. If you are interested you can reach out to Discord Mufasaa#9019 or BNet Muf#11794 - Discord CritBtw#6052

Hi Imprecise, BaddGrandpa here, GM of Deaths Advance on Area52. We’re currently a 3/10M guild closing in on our 4th Mythic kill and would like to speak to you when possible about what our guild offers and see if it interests you. Our raid times and days meet your requirements and we’d be interested in both you and your friend for immediate healing positions in our Mythic Roster. Our atmosphere is laid back and we strive to provide an environment where our raiders can have fun with their peers and look forward to playing the game with their guildies.

Our recruiter, Critbtw, had posted above and from what I understand may have spoken with you, unfortunately they are no longer with us and I don’t know how it was left with you or if anything was discussed.

Check out our recruitment post at [H] Deaths Advance 3/10M 10/10H Tues/Thurs 8:15-11:30pm EST LF Healers & Ranged DPS and see if you feel we’d be a good fit for you. I sent you a friend request in Discord (Toomanywarriors#3736), look forward to chatting with you. - Grandpa