Twitter® Integration Removed from World of Warcraft®

Now, now, you’re forgetting the selfie cam! Doesn’t change the fact it’s the worst patch ever, though. :joy:

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never tried it haha

Another funny one is googling “has twitter paid rent yet”, LOL.

On the subject, I had actually forgotten this was even there. I’m not big on social media, but it always seemed like one of those things that was an odd inclusion.

Okay cool I guess ®

No, that cost is never justifible, because EVERY TIME someone uses it now, it will cost blizzard money, so one person could just sit there and tweet through game again and again and again and cost blizzard hundreds to thousands of dollars.

Every time someone tweets using wow’s twitter intergration with this new API guidelines, it will cost blizz money.

Think of it this way, you give your friend your phone to text someone, you pay 50$ a month for unlimited texting, thats fine by you, he can text all he wants and it’s costing you nothing extra.

But now it costs 5 cents per text and suddenly he starts sending out hundreds to thousands to tens of thousands of texts, and suddenly you have a bill FAR larger then 50$.

Even if the expansion had more subs then wotlk, that would change nothing.

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It still takes screenshots that you can then just post to twitter yourself.

Youtube, Twitch, Google, Every single free to play game ever


Advertising. Which can’t be done via API.

You’re playing using the Dev’s client and thus exposed to the dev’s monetization. 3rd party clients would bypass this.

Steam is literally a store, they make money selling games.

Twitter’s API development can no longer be trusted to maintain a stable interface. The entire software industry understands this. Maintaining an integration suddenly became much more expensive, and it’s a feature very few users use.

Pretty straightforward and common-sense decision.

Moving the goal posts mister “What company makes money letting you use it for free?”

6.1 gave us upgradable heirlooms in the collections tab.

That’s a HUGE QoL feature even now, 8 years later.

I used the function. I guess I am going to have to keep my camera open and make sure my mouse stays up on the pop up box which shows the rare drop. I loved reminiscing with a screenshot seeing my rare items in the game.

I can understand Blizzard stance on this but I certainly hope there comes a time to bring it back or allow other social media integrations. Just my two cents.

Good job, Blizzard. You just destroyed twitter.

Kidding aside, Musk’s little scheme of restricting API seems to have caused some unforeseen issues.

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A subjective statement is not a factual one.

People who use twitter. :chart_with_downwards_trend:
People who use WoW. :chart_with_downwards_trend:

People who use twitter and WoW. :headstone:

I didn’t even know the twitter had something for the Warcraft. I think I heard about this a long time ago and then it was never mentioned again for a decade.

This right here is the single biggest loss of all.

Funny, I actually just noticed this a week ago while I was scrolling through my options lol

There was twitter integration?
I wouldn’t have used it but I’m surprised it was a feature.

Would love to see some sort of official Discord bot integration since that is what everyone uses now.

I don’t have the pricing model for Twitters new Enterprise API access, please share.

But even before any plug was pulled, Blizzard was still paying for access to Twitter’s API. It is unlikely that Twitter would have released a pricing model similar to that of LTE service providers, that’s so 2010.

The overall profitability of the game will depend on a careful evaluation of the benefits and costs involved. Twitter Integration might make the cut, if metrics improve.