Yeah, that’s what I was thinking! I posted my original post asking thinking I was replying to the blue post! I read these forums sometimes but don’t post so I guess I screwed up somewhere. Lol. My gonna bounce! Thanks and take care!
Once again (God I wish people would listen) We watched 4 boring hours on Twitch and we claimed the portal on Twitch. We did not receive either the portal nor the mount. So Riddle me this Batman, what now? We (notice I keep saying We, because there is more than one of us in the guild that this has been happening to). Like I was saying We did not ever receive the battle pet from the last run and We are not willing to keep watching 4 boring hours of Twitch and get nothing so We want the portal!
I know this was an obvious bait post, but you can just do it on your phone or something and leave it running. There’s no afk check (yet) or anything. Just put it on when you go to sleep or something.
Well there is still next weeks twitch stream to still watch if you don’t have the mount…as for the Toy it should be straightened out by Blizzard hopefully…yes some of us lucked out and got both items this week…Blizzard admitted the mistake and fixed it…so you’ll still have to watch next week unfortunately now. Once that is done and you still don’t have the Mount or Toy then put in a ticket and or complain.
It’s been over 24 hrs since I have claimed my portal off twitch (with linked accounts) and I still don’t have the portal. I guess a ticket it is then…
I mistakenly received the mount first during the portal week, and didn’t have the option to claim a portal. Am I still eligible to get the portal?
I got the mount and toy cuz ibstarted the event right away.
I am not having progress show on the mount. I figured I would give it a bit before complaining… first time I had that issue and done this a couple times. Was wondering is experiencing not being able to see progress too or not. Oh and I refreshed, relogged did a couple things to try and trigger progress.
Mine wasn’t showing to start, but after about 5-10 minutes it showed the bar and progressed from there. It also takes a few minutes to update if you switch between streamers.
same here, no idea whats going on. im connected and got lasts weeks no problem. let me know if you figure it out
Same issue - hippogryph says claimed, nothing in game
same the portal showed up in my toybox right after, but the mount is not showing up this week. Which, if you type blAZING, it also doesnt show up in the mount collection in wow, or atleast it doesnt for me ( like mounts you dont have show greyed out)
Anyways. Im sure it will get there eventually
So I kept the stream going even though there was no progress being shown. No matter how much I tried to relog or refresh etc. It looks like it actually counted the time.
I got a claim reward option and I clicked it. Unfortunately now it looks like ingame I did not receive the mount…
Same here… I was logged in for the portal and I saw that show up… The mount seems to be hatching from an egg or something.
The Blazing Hippogryph doesn’t come from a egg…you must have that one egg that takes 7 days to hatch that is another mount…that sounds like you got the Zenet Egg…that takes 7 days to hatch…
Jokes don’t go over well on forums.
yeah same thing for me i watched the 4 hours for the mount and says it’s done i pressed Claim, but there’s nothing in my game yet but i did it this morning, so maybe the mount will be in my game tomorrow?