my memory is not what it used to be, but wasn’t sunforge the GM of raiders of the red dawn for a while? (I had a char named Bailem in ROTRD for a while)
Yo guys! This is Colt… I used to be Alli the Pally and my brother had Pyrate the dwarf rogue back in the day. Came on here to make a post and see where y’all were all playing? I made Horde toons named Coltakleez (Orc Warrior) and Coltikus (Tauren Shaman) on Herod and a lot of my RL friends are playing either Grob or Faerlina so I made a Human Rogue named Greatjob on Faerlina.
Anybody hear from FattyB/Hurdy, Maked/Naked, Tails or Hikimaru? There were also a few others I’m forgetting.
Yo dude! I don’t know if you remember Alli the Pally (Human Paladin) but we used to PvP together and I was getting carried thru raids on all those server firsts back in the day (MC/BWL). I had to take a break from wow after about the 3rd boss in Naxx if I remember correctly, but I remember opening the gates of AQ for both the Horde and Alliance side by transferring mats across the Gadgetzan AH.
I am so happy to see your post here! Hope to see you again in Azeroth!
Tahavinox/Tavinox, Dwarf Warrior. Originally with Sgian Dubh and later with the Ironforge Regiment. A couple other guilds after that.
You are still in contact with Pythons! Does anybody still talk to FattyB/Hurdy (Brandon) or his boy Maked/Naked? He was the reason I even rolled RPPvP from Frostmane Horde that one day and one of the founding members of
I’ll add you on disc, my dude!
Hiya! I do recall an “Alli” human (female) pally. But after so many years, my head could be playing tricks ^^
I do remember Hurdy, Tails, and Hiki as well!
I´ll be focusing my first chars on Grobb but might be making a char or two elsewhere eventually. Hope to see ya!
Killjoi the rogue here. I have been waiting for this day for almost a decade. My overalls are secure, my tractor is full of gas, and the noob fields need a plowin. Awaitng the return of the RSA Lord Wipeout. See you soon.
Holy goodness its Lord Ansem, killjoi the rogue here from rsa and throweden the paladin from first legion. See you soon bro
hey Audies!! omg Epidemik that dude was so fun to play with too, always leading the pug Kael’thas runs to farm Ashes. I was in Pro Lucror as the shadowpriest Hansei.
oh wow Throw, I remember you from Resurrected. I played the Ret paladin Cloud or Denith, i forget which name I had. good to see you again!
I would love to chat with Wildcaster some time, do you have his info? I played an Orc Hunter named Usiel, and I had a lot of fun PVP’ing with him!
Also would love to shoutout to a NELF Hunter named Felt. He was a badass!
Celedon, Nelf Warrior, Legends.
Erlorhir, Nelf Hunter, Alt
Miss the guild, recognize a TON of names here. What server are folks going to be playing on? Add me on Bnet: Brinku#1505
I played Brutalelf, NE Prot Warrior in a Guild called The Steel Brotherhood. My brother was a Mage in the same guild, can’t remember his toons’ name.
I was in TSB also, Off-Tank named Brutalelf.
Celedon! Centrius here. Add me my info is above. We’re all playing on Grobbulus.
Velq UD Warrior Echelon
I will crush all who stand in my path.
VelQ#9191 On discord
Hey Wipeout! Kaapsemsieie here! the Nelf huntard! Ill be using the same name!
Sup my dude! Kaapsemeisie here! hope to tag along with yall!
Illidoodles is my ally alt but Johann be the main <3
Kaapsemeisie Nelf hunter
Red Sector A
hope to see the team again!