A bit late, sorry. My roomate was a DK tank, I think he went by Hiitsugaya back then, he also dabbled on a Shaman named Jecht.
Jecht doesn’t sound familiar but Hitsugaya 100% does!
Also…has anyone seen Daly?
Daly was a great priest…
Daly and Wamorm and a few others are on horde on Deviate Delight
I found this thread searching for my name.
Hi Kids, It’s your Old Pal Daly! I am indeed playing again on Deviate Delight and I’m trying to see things from the other side of the world this go round. Please feel free to say hi.
I miss the TN forums and all you Jokers. It’s nice to see you all.
Not sure i ran Naxx but it sounds like something I’d do. RRD was the guild, man that was a long time ago.
We grinded briefly together leveling up. I was a night elf rogue named numdiar. We made a guild called “envy”. I didn’t really know what I was doing back then I was still like 15 or 16 lol.
Btw if anyone remembers me add Rothj#3633 on discord. I also played an undead priest by the same name in bc on tn.
Yo! Lockheed here from Legends. Pumped to see Legends folks playing and lots of familiar names! I’m on Benediction with Kraxx.
Come to Grobbulus fool
Taelian, Paladin ,Pinnacle and First Legion
I want to shout out people who I feel like I will never forget for the right reasons, PvP’ed with or against, raided with, or who were just great people and great friends:
Sepheus, Palyu, Paintrain/Abusive, Gralin/Heidenreich and Maegannon, Vertas, Wise, Releaf, Araci (thanks for passing the Judgment Helm to me I’ll never forget it how can I ever repay you?!), Wildcaster, Hermiss, Kaeris, Mozza, Hikimaru, Keelvar, Ansem, Matsudai, Ivory, Greycloak, Elvalia, Windie, Anuj, Sodina (what’d you do with it in the end?, Does it exist??), Whitewolf, Bhaylor, The FL druid who ran tons of flags (forgot your name , Gandor (sorry about that week, I lost track of how much honor I was racking up, I owe you one), Lhorne for forming so many groups to help me get rank 14 and everyone who ran them with me, Sarassa, special shout-out to Katja, Starks, and Helpless (each of whom were better at the class than I was), Tralala, Cid, Ving and Rhames, Kaldore, Hurdy, Chewy, Patt, Wylde, Paxtonfettel, Naam, and the rest of ePUG, and anyone else I’m leaving out unintentionally (especially those of you who ran with me for so many hours of PvP….it’s mostly a blur)
Horde: Echelon for showing me what Peak Performance looks like, Ruthless, Tae the mage, That one warrior I always dueled in BG’s (forgot your name , Kalu, and anyone who ever killed me.
Valkya must be dead by now
It was fun TN…
Your autistic child abusing friend
Holy fack, did I see mentioned THE Dunit???
The legend…
And where is Toby ffs
I assume Dylon and Rottbodi are racing their yachts somewhere, how about the Seanforge?
Anyone hear from Dragonscales? Bolete?
- Centrius, Master of the Wilds
Human Priest
Currently playing on Deviate Delight, Alliance.
YOOOOO Whats up broo! Me and Hewitt are readY!!!
It was so long ago I forgot all the names. Is this Lion? I remember that raid with the kid with autisim IRL. Man that was messed up.
LOL! BRO! I’ve been wondering about you and Sun forever. I’ll never forget all the abusive quips we would get from you. “Did you remember to take your Ritalin today?!”
Hope you are well man! Looking back, it was such an honor to get berated in vent by you and company…“DIVINE!!!”
“For leet fathom pet dps-invite!”
Hey guys it’s MilesD Human Paladin from Red Sector A. If i tagged you its because I recognized your name and wanted to say hi / Get on over to grobbulus!
A pretty large amount of us old RSA and FL guys got back together on Grobbulus. We’re raiding under the guild name Shanks.
We would love to get more OG’s from Twisting Nether back together!
Add me on discord: Smiles#8487
Or message me in-game Grobbulus Alliance side name is Smiles Dwarf Priest. I’m always on. Hope to hear from you guys!
MilesD / Smiles
I’m happy to see some Ironforge Regiment people! I was Gorgain Swiftaxe the holy pally captain. I play classic on Deviate delight and help run a all dwarf and gnome guild called The Winterforge Clan. We do a lot of RP if anyone from the Regiment is interested in joining us! Just send Palo a mail. Hope you’re all well!
I knew a mage by the name of Jecht, back then he was a just a kid. XD
Shot in the dark…May be way late to the party, but Halloween in classic WoW always makes me nostalgic.
I was a NE rogue who also hung out on the Goldshire fence as well. My name was Tygra and my time on the server was short. You can find me on Grobbulus playing essentially the same character, named Amza.