Twisting Nether Alliance Reconnections

Dude, how’s it going? Do you have a Discord account?
I’ll be playing on Grobbulus.

Oh hey, how’s it going?

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Hey Gith, how’s it going? It’s been a while!

I probably won’t be able to play very much, but I’ll probably lurk around the TSB Discord. Who knows, maybe I can get Rooster online and we’ll do another 9 hour Uldaman run haha.

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Gnome Warlock, Parsenkelp here. Spent most of my time with The Steel Brotherhood guild, providing soulstones and healthstones in MC when the good warlocks weren’t online.

Also had a Gnome Mage alt, Sprik, in TSB.


Hey Brigitte. I remember you. I was in the peace bringers too. Then my friend bought the game and rolled horde. So, I chose to reroll with him.
I remember Osiris…looks like he finally changed his race and faction. I swear, he played a druid forever. Never thought he would play anything else.
I remember Elidion, the NE rogue. But that’s about it.

You getting the guild back together?

Edit: i think the character i played in Peace Bringers was a NE hunter named Andruil.

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Hey Osiris.
I am sure you don’t remember me, but I sure do remember you. The funny thing is i eventually rerolled horde, and i would often see you in WSG on my undead warlock, Lichitus.
Never thought you would be anything but a NE druid. Surprised to see you as something else.
Would be great to get reconnected.

Edit: i think the character i played in Peace Bringers was a NE hunter named Andruil.

O my lord, i’m so happy to see this thread.
Thijsv - Human Paladin - Micro,Pro Lucror,Ad Alta,Honor of Elune,Eighty Eights and some other guilds i dont remember lmao.

I see so many familiar names it brings me joy, grapthar my god i remember RP walking to uthers tomb, then to UC to kill some horde outside hah! and i see old ansem, i still have screenshots of the destruction you did on meters in raids.

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My long lost brother(Thijsv here) i was legit thinking of memories and things we did the other day.

That’s a scummy name i haven’t seen in forever lmfao(Thijsv here) I have screenshots of us dueling in GS for some reason lol

its so nice to these these threads . the love for the game is still so strong after all these years, and to see all these familiar names makes it that much better.

Maridius, Night Elf Warrior, Goldshire Fence
My Battletag is Stephen#1531
I will be rolling Ally on Grobbulus for obvious reasons.

Hey, i played as well back then, Monkk was my handle. I played alot with DarkZero, and i think he was in RSA. But i cant properly remember. I had a human warrior most prot spec. Played alot of lower level dungeons like Deadmines and SM.

Wow, a lot of names i’m recognizing and guilds i forgot about (some i was even in…).

Female night elf druid named Hydey. This is the original character just made her Kul Tiran a few months ago.

I started in Rooks, might’ve been in Tears of Elune, stayed in The Steel Brotherhood for most of classic, then moved to Pro Lucror (if i remember correctly it wasn’t a great parting but it was short), and ended in Honor of Elune until Wrath.

I still talk with Atractiva, Aphielion, Bugsi, Porthos, etc. and hope to see more i recognize on Grobbulus when it launches.

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Phalodius here, dabbled on another server in Vanilla (barely played) but moved to TN for TBC and after. Was a member of Eternity’s End for some time, did a brief stint in House of War, then co-founded Zeros Arrancer in Wrath/Infamous in later xpacs.

Audies, if you’re the same guy who led SiG in wrath… Man, I never rolled with you guys but my roommate did. I think your shouting about XT-002 wipes are still echoing around that place.

Think my name was Tribute/Tribune in Van/BC came to this server because my brother which his name at the time was Division/Multiply played on this server. I remember being in Pro-lucor in bc I think but not sure about vanilla.

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O man, I remember Division! good times. Not vanilla, but I remember waiting outside kara for some horde to clear out so me and a couple of buddies could get in and we see him rolling up without a care in the world, I assumed that he just had bad internet and he was going to get his face owned… and then he rides right into the middle of them and starts letting loose and before they had a chance to react he had already dropped 2 of them and me and my buddy said, well… lets jump in and clean up! good freaking times man.

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Oh, my, god. Finally a name I know I recognize.

Oh my god, I remember the Vashj video. Every time I hear any of the songs in it I have flashbacks of this video. I don’t think I ever ended up getting a vashj kill in bc.

I was Midorie, Dwarf Rogue, when switched to Draenei Shaman Remyngton once BC came out.

I honestly can’t remember which guild I was in that long ago XD

I’ll be playing Alliance on Grobbulus, my ID is OperaGhost#1803.

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Wamorm / Boondawk - Played a human warrior / dwarf paladin in Blood Orchid / Phoenix Rising / Unleashed.

Undecided between Alliance or Horde this go around.