Twinks still a HUGE problem

Roll a fire mage and spam greater pyro and why are you leveling in bgs? The game is meant to play at max level when you get to 120 what are you going to complain about? mythic raiders or gladiators farming you because you have casual gear?

I hope you see the irony in you saying that.

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So obviously nothing is going to be done about the 110 bracket, i’m not buying BFA guess its time to pve and queue arena until classic comes out.

Why not buy bfa to get out of the 110 bracket?

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I’ve played it on another account its complete trash, no thanks.

Well if your going to pve and not buy BFA, im not sure how you cant get gear good enough to compete

That is the point i’m not going to, i’ll just piddle around until classic comes out. Running into a wall every battleground just isn’t my idea of fun.

You do understand in classic gear means everything

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In classic i’ll have a fair start with friends to play with, there isn’t massive gear gap until Naxx as long as i keep up with current content.

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Classic twinks are going to be monsters. I cant wait.


Fixed that for you. Lets not gloss over that.

“I disagree with a rule that Blizzard has, so I’m going to break it.”

“Twinks disagree with a rule that Blizzard has, so they’re going to break it”


I don’t think you’re remembering them very well. Aside from WoD twinking (Macro exploit or just leveling with twink gear) this is the strongest twinks have ever been in certain brackets. Vanilla is probably the time where twinks were the weakest, aside from 20-79 in Legion.

I’m still excited for it though.

two months and I do not change anything

My 29 twink druid would 1 shot people if starfall (now lunar strike) crit. 69 twink rets in wrath were the strongest ive seen tho. 1v3ing other twinks. Also my 39 twink shaman would 1 shot someone if windfury procced.


Maybe in WOTLK, but we’re talking Vanilla here. Spell power enchants were few and far between, and SP gear was nearly completly unavailable at those levels. If you stacked it, youd have enough mana for like 10 spells at most.

My 69 shaman now can one shot with stormstrike, my 110 lock (this character) has 80k health against 20k health normals, and one shots as well. Its really the strongest its been at the moment.

69? I think you mean 72, when they got Hammer of Wrath free to cast while under Avenging Wrath, or maybe I’m thinking of Cata.

I’m just excited to have more than 3 spells at 19.


I miss 69 twinks, this was a 69 twink for a long time :frowning:


Same here friend


You are still a twink and definitely one of the people I saw abusing the exploit to get into XPon games.

Fix the exploit please Blizzard, these people can’t help themselves.

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