Twinks ruin leveling. SERIOUSLY

Twinking is for losers. Hugs. gitgut and you dont need to overpower leveling characters. <3

Literally has been part of the game since its inception and one of the core components. Just get better gear and stop complaining? Or level up? BGing is one of the slowest ways to level anyway, so acting like you’re actually doing it to level is silly.


A new player in a game that’s…16 years old? Oooookay. :roll_eyes:

A big cause of retaining players isn’t a result of twinking. Most new players level by questing and dungeons. Especially considering It’s basic knowledge that pvping gives barely any xp for time spent. Also the Q times are 12+ minutes.

No new player is going to say “Yeah I’m just gonna sit here for 12 minutes to do a BG to level”

You’d lose MORE players by making XP offers have their own bracket again. Trust me, there’s WAY more players twinking than these new players trying to level via BGs. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


Why are people against this?

Yes twinks nothing but backpaddlers or clickers that cannot even play at 1400 ratings at level 120+ that’s why they go to the twink bracket while having the BIS gear to press 1 button or 2 and one shot people.

This is a fact.

They should allow twinks to queue against each other, like the old days… lets see those skills bro.

You mean let’s see those 3 day Q times? Yeah, no. People need to just level normally like Its been since the game came out, or just buy gear off the auction house and twink themselves. BGing is literally the slowest way to level outside of something insane like grinding boars.

Trust me, the game’s more fun when you actually are good at it.


Son … dont “good at it” on me dude.

I’m a 2600 rated player…

And I’m saying facts.

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Wrong, you’re LITERALLY stating your opinion and pretending it’s fact.


What opinion?

Most of the people that play or use twinks are actually back paddlers + clickers… and suck at the highest level…

That’s why they twink… to show their power.

Just like how when a 120 camps a low level over and over… and feels so amazing about it.


Can you prove that? Because everyone I know who twinks is the opposite, they’re actually decent PvPers who like to see how many kills they can get in a single game.

Personally my record is 120 kills in the 19 bracket, pretty proud of that. :smile:

Wow you are so strong, one hit leveling or new players.

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16 year old game
“new” players

People leveling alts =/= new players, hate to break it to you.

They say twinks ruin low level pvp, then they say low level pvp doesn’t matter.

Which one is it


Notice word choice. A win. Assuming a 50% winrate you are getting 45k ish a BG since unless they changed it recently you get pretty much absolutely nothing if you lose. That is a pretty awful time committed to exp. Yes you can go on win streaks, but the same can be said for losses. On the otherhand you can just specify dungeons you haven’t done and see similar results with no variance. Or just quest.

They were separated and united in legion.



Right? I don’t understand why anyone’s against twinking. To me it gives me an incentive to make a twink and have fun twinking! After finding out twinking was alive again I was so happy. I already have 4 different ones.

It’s not like they’re hard to make. You could literally twink your character as you level. I used to do that when XP off wasn’t a thing.

Did the same thing, just bought gear off the AH. Sure, I was at a disadvantage to hardcore twinks, but nobody complains at level cap, when gear differences are even more pronounced.


I didn’t know they did change that. When was it done?

Also 110s aren’t in the same bracket as 111-119 anymore. When did that change?

They changed it quite some time ago, you get a majority of the exp from completing objectives throughout the match, then a fairly large bonus for winning.

Win or lose though, if you actually complete objs (i.e capping towers/flags) you’ll get a decent amount.


Donkeys that worship Erebus are the real problem.