Can confirm, they still drop.
i believe this method, which was the way to farm invincible, has been fixed
This method only works for transmogs, not mounts.
I actually got the Hammer of Vigilance on LFR the other day, I believe. I know I haven’t run mythic Tomb in a while. I’ve also heard the sword from Aggramar drops on LFR.
I think the mode you do it in determines the color though
I’ve seen a lot of posts similar to this where people defer to the fact they’re PRETTY sure… but not 100% sure.
I just did it last week and can confirm: it changed. And I’ll detail it for anyone doubting it.
(How it USED to be) (I’m describing this process with 2 accounts, it’s the same if you just used 1 account, made a group in GF and swap chrs)
Account #1 & #2: runs SoO (or any Raid) until the penultimate boss. At this point, they have the same RaidID: #10001
Account #1 logs out. Account #2 goes on and kills the final boss. At this point, the RaidIDs SPLIT.
Account #1 keeps RaidID: #10001 (with the final boss UN-killed), and Account #2 gets a NEW RaidID: #10002 (with the final boss killed).
It’s easy to see how you cheese this-- you just bring whatever other chrs from Account#2 (friends, w/e) to party with Account #1. You get a message “You’re about to enter an instance already in progress, 9/10 bosses killed.” You accept and farm the final boss as much as you can.
(How it works now)
Account #1 & #2: runs SoO until the penultimate boss. At this point, they have the same RaidID: #10001
Account #1 logs out. Account #2 goes on and kills the final boss. THE GAME NOW CHANGES THE STATUS OF RAIDID#10001 to “10/10 killed.”
So even though Account #1 wasn’t even there, when it logs in, the game checks RaidID #10001 and sees “oh-- all bosses killed.”
So if you log on with a different chr, different account, different whatever, it DOESN’T MATTER. Account #1 has RaidID #10001 … and in that RaidID, ALL THE BOSSES ARE DEAD.
Dear Blizzard: This didn’t need to happen (certainly for LEGACY content). WHY???
Thanks for reminding me to do my tusks runs, using the lockout-on-alt method that still works.
You don’t have to enter the raid on your alt. You can be anywhere in the game and simply invite the toon you want to do the run on, then have that toon enter the raid, then have the alt leave the party. It’s that easy, and still works to this day.
No it doesn’t. It works exactly as I outlined it.
Once you kill the boss, the RaidID updates to reflect that. If you try and “share” the raid lockout, you’re sharing a DEAD BOSS. gg
edit: So you CAN still share the raid lockout-- that’s true. But the final boss is dead. The entire raid is cleared. There’s no point.
I just killed Garrosh four times today on my plates using the same toon to invite them. I’m sorry to say but you’re wrong.
Also, to make sure you’re not mega-goofing this up - HEROIC difficulty, NOT MYTHIC since Mythic lockouts have always been shared.
I’ll check that because I was doing SoO on Mythic for mount, too not just Tusks.
edit: But I did it on Dragon Soul… which doesn’t even have a Mythic setting… and I couldn’t do it.
You also can’t run DoS on N and H in the same week. The alt lockout skip primarily seems to work with raids where you can run multiple difficulties in the same week, such as SoO.
Siege is when they introduced boss loot lockouts with flex mode, which was expanded to normal/heroic with WoD pre-patch. Almost everything before that still uses instance ID, just like all mythic raids.
And what about the fact I couldn’t skip with Heroic Dragon Soul (there is no Mythic level) ?
I’ve seen much mixed info too, and I’ve been trying to farm them. If they don’t drop I don’t want to waste my time.
Thanks for bringing this up.
It’s a pre-siege raid, so all difficulties use instance ID lockouts.