Tusks of mannoroth MOP remix

You should have read what you linked more carefully. You have to defeat him 20x in Remix to buy them :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

It requires 20x of these. 1 per kill.

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I have them, and I’m happy. Happy for others that they now have a much more solid road to get them, and happy for myself that I don’t need to do anything else at all. :smiley:

Why would you feel sorry for them? Now they don’t have to rely on RNG and can just grind it out.

That is rich coming from you

Isnt siege on a daily reset though? So 20 days or so to get the tusks compared to years farming it?


My bad. Then it’s even easier than I thought.

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Yeh, but mark this page, players will still complain it’s too hard and will refuse to put in the effort to get them.

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As someone with 1000+ kills on Garrosh I am elated at the opportunity to never have to hope step back into SoO after Remix. I think this is a great change even if it does kind of kill the appeal.

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Why would you be sorry now those people that have no luck have a way to get them. Seems like a win to me

So sick of this, nobody can have it cuz they didn’t do what i did for it mentality. It’s a game, it’s for enjoyment of all regardless of how hard you want to sweat. We should be happy that people are all able to enjoy what the like about it. Worry more about your own selves, and less about what other people have. This is escapism, we get enough of that attitude in the real world. If you can’t be happy for other people’s enjoyment, that’s what therapists are for.

I am more confused why everyone cant wear these.

As a shaman, I should be able to.

honestly say that about all 1-2% mounts we finnaly got access to and hope they do with every other crazy rng mount in the game like garrison boxes etc