Tusks of mannoroth MOP remix

That’s a good way to incentivize for people to run the mop remix content.

I don’t have it but wanted it, just put off with the rarity of it all. I don’t mind farming stuff, spent a long time farming in diablo 2 and d2lod back in the day but sometimes you cross that % that is a tad too low that makes things not enjoyable.

I was gonna try MOP remix either way but this might nudge me even more for whatever time I’ll have left since my gold making is abysmal and I ain’t paying RL money again for the gametime.


I don’t feel bad for them at all because they chose to do it.

They weren’t forced to do it. Why would you feel bad for something they are choosing to do.

It’s a good thing it’s in the shop because let’s be real they never looked that good anyway


You have a do normal raiding for it I read on another thread? I’m confused.

I don’t care to find raid pugs so this is a no go if true.

I’m happy for those who no longer need to farm for it. I hated having to run it every week on 15 characters for several months, I’m glad others won’t need to do it.

As for the people who start playing WoW (or come back to WoW) AFTER the MoP Remix ends, oof…

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I just want the cloak so I can access Ordos and get the achievement.

Not being able to do so soured my whole experience with achievements and I stopped using them as any type of motivation or direction after that.

But I also want to know how much time is going to go into getting the cloak to see if it is worth it. I wouldn’t have cared about the time investment if I was able to experience the removed content but without it, it’s just doing stuff I can do in the real game.

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At .2% it basically doesnt exist. (My Pally got a set last fall, so Im good anyway. A week after my DH got the Xavier shoulders from ENM)


They also seem to be really expensive. Two Garrosh clears and almost 40k bronze. So you’re still going to have to work for them. I like that.

You can’t get the cloaks.

We’ll get a set of toys to replicate the appearance of them, but the legendary cloak and its associated questline will not be added back for Remix.

Will the legendary cloak quest chain be enabled?

The original legendary cloak questline will not be available. You’ll want to reach level 70 on a Timerunner and receive the legendary cloak appearances on your Cloak of Infinite Potential to enable access to Ordos for this event as well as the rest of your WoW account.

Re: https://www.icy-veins.com/forums/topic/78473-mop-remix-clarifications/


Get over it.

We’ll barely see them in the game just like all of those coveted Mage Tower appearances. I saw ONE appearance in the last month. ONE.

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I’m doing Druid for the same reason, I’ll hop in as whatever they need just to grind my currency.

After that I’m back to solo play

I remember getting asked a lot in bfa where I got the shiny cat form, and telling them it was a limited event, and no longer available.

I’m kinda glad they brought back the mage tower, but it did make it a little less fun to run around as one.

The same currency used for everything in the Remix.

Looks like my 8 year+ grind will finally come to an end. BTW are the bones a 100% drop for everyone?

This did not affect me in the slightest. 98.3% of people that got the Mage Tower appearances were done during 7.3 when they vastly outgeared it and it was faceroll. Only 1.7% of people got the actual appearances when it was extremely difficult when it first released.

Awesome. After like 50+ SoO runs I finally got the original dark shaman a couple weeks ago. Hadn’t seen anything about it being in remix. Only 3 recolors. And then wasn’t sure about acquisition, since currently only a shaman can get it as a personal drop. Didn’t know if that was gonna happen in remix as well.

Happy to hear there was a vendor sighting


Extremely, I’ve only seen heroic tot but they were killing bosses in 30 seconds

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All I meant was that it was fun to have something that was limited, and to show it off as something not everyone had. I also think that it’s healthy to bring it back and allow people the chance to get it, it’s just not as fun to run around with during that time.

It is happening!!


I got mad lucky and managed to get the tusks i think Saturday. So im glad they will be purchasable during MoP Remix and will save everyone the hell of farming it.

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