Turning off XP?

Was there a way to turn off experience in Classic if you wanted to stay at a certain level?

I think the 2 NPCs that could disable XP were added in WotLK


Nope, that feature was only added so twinks could actually fight twink after exp was added to BG’s. As it turned out most twinks didn’t want to fight other twinks.


BGd didn’t even grant experience until WotLK if I remember (if this is the reason you want to disable it)

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No, that NPC wasn’t added until late LK or early Cataclysm

Battlegrounds didn’t give you any experience until after Vanilla was long gone. If you want to stay at 19 or 29, you can do that without the NPC.

Nope, but there is no XP in BGs


However, outside of AV quests, bg’s gave no xp.


  • BG queues were bugged after the implementation of separate queues. which increased queue times by a large amount

  • Twinks were always a large minority in battlegrounds, thus when queues were separated queue times increased even further

  • People stopped playing twinks because it wasn’t fun sitting in queue for 2 hours. and when a some people stop because of queue times, the queues get even higher and the interest drops even further.

don’t make posts if you don’t know what your talking about.


So there is a healthy twink vs twink population today?

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The reason for separating two is was because they were crushing everything in the bg’s other than other twinks, and was discouraging to new players from experiencing the game.

This kind of thing happens in other games, and it generates the same problem today of driving off new players from those games.

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if you can manage to get the gear to twink without going over the level , you can twink for however long you like in bgs cause they give no exp.

will be interesting for the people who get that bis gear :smiley:

I think it took me three times to get a Glacial Stone on my gnome warrior twink without hitting level 20. The last time I believe I dinged 20 from stupid exploration exp. But when I finally pulled it off I was a wrecking machine.

Smites might hammer I was using on my warrior since Horde can’t get the Glacial Stone.

not healthy enough to separate them.

if you separate them the twinks will quit playing due to queues not popping.

new players will level out of the bracket and keep going, plus you dont have to pvp at all while leveling if you dont want to face twinks


The game would surely suffer from the loss of those bravely standing next to an NPC in their capital safe room. :crazy_face::beers:

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not the point. blizzard doesnt want to lose their money so they allow it

levelers and new players will just level out of the bracket if they dont like twinks. if you really want to play in the bracket then you can spend a little time on gear yourself.


Twinking was a REASON to play the game more. There are no new players coming to WoW and it isn’t because of twinking… it’s because the millions of people who have left the game are bad mouthing it to potential players. It’s because players who have grown older and now have families of their own would never subject their kids to the nasty community left playing it. It’s because the current devs have made this game completely non-community based and more of a lobby game.

Twinking was a neat part of the game… and gave you reason to engage other characters to farm for twink gear.


No XP off meant you had to plan your char…
Just don’t do anything to gain xp.

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