Turn Up the Heat in Season of Discovery: Molten Core

it won’t be every boss but we know what bosses hit hard with fire… play it before you cry that you can’t do it or play level 1.

buddy I don’t have to play it to imagine what wearing half fire resist gear with poop stats on it is like for multiple bosses.

If you are wearing fire resist for more than 2 bosses then Its boring.

This 100% actually really bad game design to put 2 recipes on the same mob on a 36 hr cd that keeps being reset on shutdown then having multiple unscheduled shutdowns … kinda in disbelief that this has been overlooked so far.


Its fine. No one is going to care.

Im sure casters will get something. Will healers though?

We never got pre nerf C’thun…

Can the Trap Launcher change be reverted please? It makes using it very clunky…instead why not put a DR effect for PvP use only?. Thanks

Pre-nerf C’thun was in Season of Mastery (w/ no world buffs!). 40 guilds killed him. I was in one of them.

But yeah, pre-nerf was definitely NOT in the 2019 version of classic. That version was an absolute joke compared to pre-nerf/SoM C’thun.

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Oh wow that’s cool to know! I wasn’t aware SoM made any changes to AQ40.

Doing a secret invite only PTR for the heat levels is cringe

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does the new boss drop soda and pretzels?


We got him tuning-wise without the bugs that made the encounter too bugged to be completeable. I misspoke before, endless OT has given me brainrot.

Do we think mobs will have a higher drop chance in higher heats too or just bosses?

Bindings, eye are going to be like 20% drop rates in heat 3 arent they

What a goofy question. Sometimes you have to kill bosses to get gear from those bosses. What?

Maybe read something before you get mad about it.

That’s right! Just farm some black rock eruption event and some dailies and you have honored. Honored gets you +20FR to cloak. Very easy to get 40 base FR then the pallies, shammies , druids take care of the rest! Heat level 2 will be fun.

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mageblade had the cosmetic. Hunters get nothing though

That’s fine. Rarity makes it valuable. You dont NEED to own the recipe.

as a dad gamer who did all this content 20 years ago…I can say for all dads…we honestly dont Give any cares… we just wanna raid old content with our new retail abilities and chill with the boys/girls in discord AKA cruise control raid nights are a win win in our books lol…so the sweats can enjoy their prep work that we once cared about but no longer have the time to care about anymore… its a win win for everyone in our books